
So I am going to level a bear tank. I notice there are just a lot of spells and keybindings. I am wondering how everyone else does it?


The spells you don’t need in bear form can just stay in their respective bars (Ferocious Bite and such). Other than that, you don’t actually have that many.

I use Q, E, R, F, C, V, T, G, 1, 2, 3, 4, then those with Shift and Ctrl, then maybe F1-F4. Things like Regrowth that will take me out of bear form I usually put somewhere other than the main action bar.


I’m right handed and use 1-7, Q, E, Z, V, B for my binds with shift as my primary modifier and alt as secondary modifier.



Getting a $30 cheap gaming mouse (with 8 side buttons) did wonders for my druid keybinds


First start by figuring out how many numbers you’re comfortable with hitting (1-7 is my comfort zone) while your hand rests on WASD. Anything below your comfort zone and WASD can be rebound.

I’m talking about stuff like R for reply, Q and E for strafing (not needed if you move with your mouse), T for start attack, etc. Rebind it all and place these convenience buttons elsewhere.

One BIG bit of advice I have is, when placing your keybind, place them in a way that can easily be swapped between characters and specs. What I mean by this is say you bind your stun ability as “T”. You then place stuns or a similar utility as “T” for an off-spec and other characters. The ultimate goal is to develop muscle memory to say “ok, T is my stun button” for all your characters. The same understanding goes for pretty much everything else. This will make swapping between characters and specs miles easier and you can learn a new spec with ease.

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I use a Razer gaming mouse with 12 side buttons and then have all my main stuff 1-12 buttons and then Shift + 1-12 and then Alt + 1-12.

It cost a bit more than $30 but well worth it imo. I could never go back to just a regular mouse at this point. Once the muscle memory kicks in it’s just soooo much easier.

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Right??? Like it’s not even fair to normal mouse players lol.

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I don’t even know how I managed before a gaming mouse in EQ and then WoW! :rofl:

Dude, I didnt buy one until last year. I dunno what I was thinking. I guess I was just being a stubborn old man about buying one. So glad I finally did.

You’ll want to figure out your form binds first, from there figure out spells that you’ll want access to in all forms like regrowth, barkskin etc. that you can cast that insta cancel your form without putting you in a GCD lock.

Then you set up each forms keybinds on your main bar which should swap as you swap forms, like bear specific abilities.

Takes trial and error to get the right setup but that’s what I’ve found to be the best in terms of getting started.

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:rofl: my wife plays (very casually) and she is a clicker which I think most of us were in the beginning, and it drives me CRAZY now!

I got her a side button mouse and she just refuses to use the buttons. “I do better just clicking the buttons with the pointer.” Argh! hahaha

Also, I don’t know why it shows I edited my post above since, uhh, I didn’t lol

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Hehe. Thats pretty cool that your wife plays though. Mine occasionally get on her priest but she doesnt have the bug for WoW that I do :stuck_out_tongue:

if you are ambidextrous i recommended buy a Logitech G600 that have 17 buttons (can double with the third click so you get 34 binds). and in keyboard can use the R,F,T,G,H,Y,1,2,3,4,5,F1,F2,F3,F4,|,<, Shift + Alt combinations

I can’t use an MMO mouse anyways. Nor a regular mouse.

I need an ergonomic mouse. Bum wrist.

Got a friend that plays the same way.

She’s raiding in TBC classic with default UI and clicking. Here’s the fun part. She’s actually a really, really good healer.

I bought a MMO mouse, 12 extra buttons

I also keybind ctrl-1 thru 6 and ctrl-r

I also keybind e, r, t, y, f, g, v

Bear tank is actually the least amount of my concerns. My other toons have way more binds lol