Key Ring When?

In a previous Blue Post it was stated that the key ring will be put into the game in the first patch. Tuesday is technically the first patch, yes? Does that mean we will get the key ring or was it forgotten about again? :frowning:

We’ve had a bunch of (undocumented) patches so far so they’ve already broken that promise. Hopefully it’ll be in with phase 2

Hotfixes and the like, they weren’t major patches like this one is.

I dream of a day, when I wake up and log into my character, and all my keys are no longer taking up the same space as a 4 foot long weapon.


No more forgetting to grab your SM key for those strath live runs where the group cant even get outside without clearing to the ud entry to summon you back.

SM key.
gnomer key.
shadowforge key.
key to the city.,
key to strat.
coffer keys.
drakefire amulet.
staff of cerebebsuass.
Cresent key.

It would be nice to have some bag space back.

These are dungeon keys. They’re fully as large as a four foot weapon

I was told that these two will not fit on the key ring. Neither will the Seal of Ascension.

Correct. Ony neck and UBRS ring are items that can be worn - you need the ubrs ring equipped to open the door and the ony neck needs to be in your bags.

Mara staff and ZG mallet also will not go into the keyring.

The keyring is just a small bag with a key shaped icon, that takes keys only.

Im not 100% about blacksmith crafted keys, but they should also go into the keyring.

This is the single most important question for P2.

So seriously… When? I want my 8 or so bag slots back…

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ubrs ring work the same way as the amulet, u just need it in your bags to open the door.

But theres a cool on use effect if u use it during the Rend fight tho!

:joy::joy::joy: This made me laugh.

Lets just keep that a secret so i can give my speech about ‘dont be scared of the dragon that may come, he is a friend…for now’ and have players thinking im crazy.