Key meta and off meta

So i beleive the meta will be veng DH, enhance shaman, disc priest, aug/fire mage, dps druid/ warlock
Now before we start going about about meta tyrant lets talk about how to navagatr s2 as not meta.
So allot of people will say “im not meta i dont get invited” and while yes thats true to an extent a easy solution is to form your own key group. If your worried about it bricking i sugges vetting people and using raid io or warcraftlogs

Another solution is. The wow recruitment discord. This has several m+ key communities you can join where you wont have to worry about being meta just have to be a bit social

You can also find groups via raider io as well

Additionally you can add people you like after a key and invite them for more runs you dont have to do 1 run max with people.

So come s2 lets achieve our goals and use any and all resources to us to achieve them. Good luck and hope s2 goes well for you

I don’t see prot paladin falling off the meta without addressing their advantage in interrupts.


Thanks for the reminder to leave the WME Discord. Last handful of times I used it I was doing hard carries for elitist jerks. Really soiled the idea.


Sigil of silence is one of the best utility buttons in keys

What’s the cooldown on it?


I dont know off the top off my head i just know its effect

Vengeance DH/Prot Pally, Disc priest, Aug Evoker, Enhancement shaman, Fire Mage.

Good Aug players are as rare as a TL proto drake though so can filled by whichever dps spec survives the S2 tuning pass.

Avenger’s shield & Divine Toll does the same with a much shorter CD.

If keys don’t require as many interrupts then it is address.

I’ve been hearing that the new dungeons have a lot of healer checks and that’s what will make groups struggle. Maybe paladin kit will work well with that or vdh self sustain will help more.

We have had the same utilities since SL. Were we meta straight through to today? No. In fact Divine Toll was nerfed in 11.0.5 when we over took Warriors as meta tank.

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Sigil of Silence is 90s, occasionally reduced by 2s. That’s why DH is in the trash.
Divine Toll talents down to 45s, plus the other 2 interrupts paladin has.

It’s 1 minute because no one takes the CDR talent option over the other. We also only have a single target stun and a useless aoe stop that does more harm than good. While Prot Paladins rule over spell interrupts, other tanks have much better hard stops.

If that’s the case, I would agree.

You seem to be ignoring the relevant changes that made interrupts per second the new deciding factor in what makes prot paladin tank meta in keys right now.

If interrupts are essential to group success,
And the stop changes from 11.0 are still in place.
Then the meta tank tank will be whoever can pump out the most interrupts per second.

Lmao, no this is not the “deciding factor”. If it was we would have been meta since day one, not after 11.0.5. The interrupt changes didn’t happen mid-season.

The reason Prot Paladin took over as meta was because we went from 800k dps to 1.3 mil after the patch.

They were meta day one, the community just didn’t figure that out because the it took a half patch for the influencers to figure that out.

It’s always whatever tank can make the biggest pulls and the deciding factor in that right now with how the game is designed is whoever can interrupt the most spells.

No they weren’t we were bottom tank next to BM.

This also isn’t true because that wouldn’t account for when Guardian was meta or DK were meta in SL. You don’t know what you are talking about. The biggest contributing factor for determining meta for tank and healers is DPS.

Ptr most allot of the high end players are playing vdh currently.

Ok, we’ll let time tell I guess.

At the end of the day whatever is meta is really going to boil down to what a small group of streamers and influencers say it is because the community in this game is mostly too brain dead to actually analyze anything.