anyone else not able to complete Kel’Thuzad fight in Sanctum of Domination after the latest patch? I see a dog named arfus added to this fight which agros the mobs when you take the portal to kill the remnant in the phylactery but the remnant is missing.
Just go in the phylactery and spam aoe abilities that don’t require a target, at least that’s what I did and I got the kill after 5 phylactery dives >.<
The remnant of Kel’Thuzad is not visible / targetable in the phylactery, but can confirm you can spam AOE abilities in the middle of the room and the remnant will die. Arfus will tank outside.
I was able to kill the add by just spamming AoE on the platform after a few times going under.
However, it looks like Sylvanas is bugged too? In the last phase of her fight, I never get the ability to leave the first platform. All I can do is stand there while she jumps around shooting arrows at me.
We were able to do it just fine. Just gotta be super careful when phasing Sylvanas we discovered a couple weeks ago. Hit and afk basically, let her phase normally with a bit of damage here and there, can’t burn her. We got stuck on Kel’thuzad for a bit tho. Quite funny because we all got rezzed into undead lol
This sounds a bit like maybe you missed the cue for the initial platform jump when she casts the first Raze. If you stay on the platform as this finishes, the ability to leave that platform via the edges is disabled.
The only suggestion I can give you for Sylvanas is just beat her before you have to jump platforms, you may just need a bit of gear for that idk I never looked at your character to see but at 618ilvl on my monk I was able to do that so I would have utmost faith in you to get that done! Then you to can get trolled like me and get the bow on a non hunter!