Kel'thuzad: Is He Really That Bad?

How’d he die? I don’t recall ever breaking his phylactery.

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If you want to ask the question: is he evil? You first need to define what “evil” is.

Many would say “doing anything for power” is itself evil, which would mean you answered the question in your own opening statement.

I guess Blizzard just decided that in our second fight against him the Murder Hobos of Azeroth wisened up and destroyed his phylactery instead of looting it and giving it to someone else.

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Of course he’s not evil. He just loves animals so much that he’s willing to kill all the people and doom their souls just to ensure all the animals will be safe forever. He respect life, just not the lives of people.

I’m sure that if he were instead sent to an afterlife with just cuddly animals and no people, he would have been content.

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Still mad we don’t get that anymore -_-

The good things about someone does not negate or even necessarily outweigh the bad.

I can think of a few different major figures in life that would objectively be considered evil by most people that had a few good things they believed in or did. That doesn’t change the bad things however that most people would judge them for.

Seems evil to me. I guess if I was a homicidal maniac I might still enjoy the company of my cat. He’s done quite enough to be considered evil. I do love him as a character though. I’m always happy to see him. I wouldn’t even be upset if we got a Naxxramas 3.0, although I in no way expect that lol.

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I doubt we’ll get Naxx again, but I actually suspect Kel’Thuzad will be a raid boss again this expansion. He’s a really major lore character that has always played a supporting role. I can’t see how I’m an expansion about the realm of death he wouldn’t be a boss.

I feel like we’ve gotten to the point where virtually every WoW villain has a corresponding GD simp.

We have one (cough, many) for Garrosh.
We have one for Sylvanas.
And now, at long last, Kel’thuzad has his own as well.

Now if we could just find one for my boy Hogger…

Road to Damnation specifically shows that Ner’zhul gangpressed Kel’Thuzad into service!

He’s been serving the Jailer ever since!