Kel'Thuzad Alliance Reconnections

Unionjack, popgun. just spitballing here. was mikec the dwarf warrior? some more names will probably come back to me the longer i think about it

Burnout was my roommate! Hoping if enough people remember him I can convince him to come back and avenge his legacy


i was just a senior in hs at the time and as a crappy ret paladin he was basically the michael jordan of kel thuzad.

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I transferred servers many times and name changed a lot.

My OG Character was Archmiduke Gnome Mage. Guild was New Pantheon. NP4LIFE

Very much looking forward to seeing a lot of familiar names and hopefully we can relive the glory days of OG KT because those were the days.

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Gnome Mage
High Caliber

Looking for Indra and Tristam

Nightelf Hunter
I was in Six Feet Deep, Defiance, The Driven and Stygian towards the end.

Larimar - Human Priest

Defiance, Stygian and Hard Love Cowboys. Also spent a lot of time with the PVP groups getting to Field Marshall.

Looking for old friends especially Kindred (the NE druid, not the horde guild), Gilther/Moondra, Ippi and a lot of other people who I have forgotten :slight_smile:

Character: Windric
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Spec: Feral DPS
Guild: Bounced around between a few, can’t remember the names though

Character: Nemodream, Itsmylife, Nemo_______ family of names
Race: Gnome, Human
Class: Mage, Pally
Spec: Fire/Frost, Ret/Holy
Guild: None The Wiser for Classic, Later in life Nothing Ventured,

Raided with Burnout in High Caliber back in BC, I still have a funny picture involving his name and someones chest.

Riverbrook/Shadowknife here! I spent a good few years in Bandwidth Syndicate. Planning to play classic but not on a pvp realm this time.

Character: Aizia - Gnome Warlock
Guild: Tater Heads

Wow, Jirasia… wow. Team Hunter represent!

Snowbird, Fists of Fury


-My characters were Artius, Night Elf Priest and Kineticus, Human Mage
-Guilds were Arx Eternus and The Driven
-I’m looking for any of the crew from The Driven or Arx; names that come to mind are Mentalfloss, Onefate, and Drypulse.

I remember you Squirtt! And Indra (priest) and Tristam (hunter, right?).

Wonder if we’ll see Dodheim or Riddick?

Pretty sure Tater Heads was horde…

Nightelf Hunter
Banana Syndicate / Force

Looking for some old school people to play classic with hit me up if you know me!


Readon from Force here too

Eversteel hasnt been online for 2 years sadly lol, a few of the others still play currently in goon squad on KT ally im pretty sure i could be wrong tho.

Nightfall Battlegroup

Looking for the group of 29 twinks that played in the Nightfall battlegroup. We had multiple guilds spread across the battlegroup and supported weekly battleground nights for level 29s.

Looking to find the group that played together across the battlegroup.

I think KT is where Unlce Jessie originated.

Mauhdeeb - Gnome Mage Deathwing

Raided in HOOD back in MC and BWL, Looking for Xingwires, Howie, Darkmatter, Trucido, Happymadison.