Maleena here, Human Priest
Guild: Force
Would love to play with some old friends. Arbara Grand Marshal Mage Kelthuzad Server Guild was New Pantheon.
Darkyn, Human warrior, Fists of Fury. Hi Kero and Xos.
My god. Sent you in-game mail to Freshlybaked. ch ch ch ch check it
Howdy, Daratane, Night Elf Warrior. Anyone from Deadly Syndicate or Delu Naith?
I remember playing with you, back in either Delu Naith or DS! Some good times. I hope you see you online
Name: Xrod
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Guild: The Great Han
Kaldorei Warrior
Fists of Fury
Jirasia - Night Elf Hunter - Fists of Fury
Already a few people I remember in this thread, /wave at Xos, Keroyn, Darkyn, Kyada!
I still have control of Fists of Fury on live, but it’s become a guild bank for me to store stuff.
I played this guy, Jacinra (possibly just Jacin before the name change) a NE resto Druid.
Hey! That name definitely sounds familiar! Hope I get to see you guys again. Sikozu, Ameretat, Obito, Villageidiot, Memnos, and all of the others who’s names I’ve forgotten over the years. It’s hard to believe that vanilla was half my life ago.
Hey! That’s so awesome! I didn’t necessarily think anyone would remember me or even have old screenshots with my name in them! I may have some old screenshots, but the computer I have them on is in storage approximately six hours from my current location.
I remember a lot of those names in the screenshots and in your post. I guess I had forgotten I was in LoR. I remembered being in The Driven, Canadian Legion (to Northern Legion), Immortal, Pacifist, Ascendant, Force, and Banana Syndicate! I’m kind of sad I don’t have the name on Kel’thuzad anymore.
Ov and Immortality were brothers, right? I remember Immortality being a good Shadow Priest. The other names are somewhat familiar to me haha.
Do you still play? I’ll try to send you an in-game message with my ID. I’m living in a place temporarily at the moment and I haven’t set up my desktop yet.
Frostica - NE female hunter.
Raided with Immortal and Ascendent.
PVP’d with the GM grinding group often, though never pushed for it myself.
Was good friends with Lenderl, a dwarf rogue.
If anyone from Templars of Blood sees this, hmu
Hey Frostica, Lenderl was in Sanctorium I believe.
Also played with:
Uzuki, Varis/Sargaris, Gossimer, Ednah, Sauer, Felispar, Gadriel, Falanaar, Cyerus, Rachie, DarkTimber, SimonMagus
Frostpyro, Fists of Fury, Human warlock. Hi Darkyn, Keroyn, Xos, Jirasia, Kyada
Those screenshots were from an old irl friend, it’s absolutely amazing to look through them. So crazy to see all the old names and just how the game has evolved.
Correct, Ov & Immo were brothers (rogue and spriest, respectively.) We were in Element Zero together from early on. Ov put in some serious hours. He was for sure the first 60 I knew, wouldn’t be surprised if he was first on the server. A few of those screenshots have his mage alt at 60 just as I was dinging 60 on my first toon. Oddly enough I have a very strong memory of the 2 of them running me through Mara and Immo just melting everything.
I do still play, sent you in game mail with my BNET. Add me when you get around to it!
That’s right! I knew we were in a 3rd guild but couldn’t remember the name.
I remember Ov, Immortality and Vidas. Dudes kicked azz. Also Burnout was an incredible ret paladin. I remember he hand hand of ragnaros. cool shiz