KEKW season 10 arena cooked

standings just came out. For 3v3 650 people will get rival. Meaning less than 6.5k people qued past 1k rating in 3v3 2s isn’t much better with 17k people in total queing. Mop should have solo shuffle and BGB if we want any hope for pvp to be a thing in mop. But we know we wont get it. Blizzard hates us pvpers

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Blizzard hates all of their customers equally.


We have been asking for Rated Battleground shuffle or solo blitz since Cata came out.
They need to also add the LFG tool for PvP…it is still missing.

Overall the whole PvP tab is missing and its hard as hell to find players to que 2s/3s with.


Players have been asking for basic bug fixes all expansion and they still persist.

Blizzard hates all their customers equally.

Pservers are the answer. Blizz losing stock value is the answer.

game needs solo q, literally none of my friends want to come back and que this game and are just waiting for mop

is ‘cooked’ good or bad?

Apes are using that word so much it has lost any meaning.

They themselves don’t know if it’s good or bad anymore, they just say it on repeat because that’s what the tiktok hivemind trained them to do.

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Old man yells at cloud.jpg

Being cooked is bad, cooking is good, there is nothing confusing or interchangeable about this.

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Shuffle is a bad idea and we all saw what it did to retail (it lowered the player % by over 50%).
Cata arena is dead because Cata is a bad xpac that shoulda been sped through but instead Blizzard thought it would be a great idea to have 6 months of p1 and now we wait 10 years for DS.