nerf warriors. out of your mind with the buff on a faceroll class… don’t listen to warriors who want a buff just to faceroll harder. do the work, balance the game better. nerf warrior back to where they started because they were fine to begin with…
They weren’t. Buff Execute another 10%.
Buff Rapid Fire to do 100% of a targets health.
We have to buff warriors until they white swing mortal strike you for at least 85% of your hp bar. Not sure why this ever needed to change.
Warrior is still below average. Sounds like a player skill issue. Unless you play DK, then warrior actually kind of destroys you and you can’t do anything about it.
Damage bot class that has the worst tools in the game needs to do ridiculous damage to be viable. Wowzers what a surprise.
& aff lock isn’t?
Aiireez-Moon Guard?
Warriors aren’t why you’re 1800 in 2s with 1300 games played at 50% w/l or 1600 with 500 games played at 46% w/l bud.
Warrior usually beats Lock, Lock usually beats Mage, Mage usually beats Warrior; it’s always kinda been that way.
Skill issue though I seriously doubt all your loses are strictly to warriors, L2P.
nerf fury arms purists only
It is an atrocity if fury wins out over arms in pvp. an absolute unacceptable atrocity. there is nothing that i am more purist about in this game, and i dont play warrior atm
Cheers man!
Nah, it’s not
You have 700+ games as aff in 2s I’m looking at it rn.
Ok .
Tbh I’m not even that scared of warrior on my lock. Only time they really feel oppressive is if paired with a DK. Even then walking dead is 10x scarier. WW gets die by the sword and a free interrupt that can’t trigger precog baked into their rotation.
I dunk super hard on warriors in 2s on destro and demo. Warrior is pretty mid in 2s tbh.
Ok destro isn’t any harder to play though.
The game is truly in one of the worst states it’s ever been.
I don’t think this is the burn you think it is. Imagine playing two classes? lol This game is super alt friendly rn.
He’s just jealous of your sweet goblin self.
He’s an icky lizard.
Dog I’ve been playing 25 second CD howl of terror as diabolist. The rocket booster has been so clutch in jumping in for the triple fear lol
My lock is KT… port haymaker coil is great.