Keeping map on left when opening

Hi so I’ve been having a bit of a problem with the map. Every time I open it, it opens right in the middle of the screen. I’m pretty sure I used a default option in the past to have it open on the left every time but I can’t find that anymore. MoveAnything is complete garbage, it just f’s up the map and I get an error notification. I can’t find anything on google and if I do they mention MoveAnything. If you could help you’d save me like 27 clicks and hour, or maybe even more.

The large map opens in the center, the small map opens to the left. Click the minimize button in the top right of the map.

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Not the full screen map, the minimized one. It only opens on left when I click on quest log or click the quest pane after opening it.

I’m guessing you’re using WorldQuestTracker

Clear the checkmark for “Map Window Centralized”


OMG ty soooo much. It was driving me crazy


You are my hero! I didn’t think this could possibly be something others had searched for! TY TY TY!

12 months later you’re my hero too :smiley:

Two years later you are my hero <3 Thank you pally friend!

bloody legend

Years later…still saving people from the frustration haha. Thanks!

Dec 2022, and this post is still saving people, my much delayed hero!

boom. thanks for that info!!! The map was driving me crazy in the center. Now with Mapster installed, the map opens in the bottom left corner, each and every time.

omg, ty. Ty ty ty ty. Years later, ty was driving me crazy

Jan '23 and you’re still saving lives. You’re a legend.

March 2023, still a hero.

May 2023. This should be on the google front page

August `23 and you are still a legend! /bow /salute

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! #truehero