Keeper of the Grove is a Missed Opportunity

As a nature magic and druid enjoyer (coming back to my boomie for some S4 fun), I can’t help but comment on how much of a missed opportunity this hero spec is.

No Keeper form or Dryad form?

Apparently no updated treant visuals?

No enhancements to mushrooms, swarms, dps roots, no real focus on nature magic outside of exploding wrath?

There is very little beta footage of the hero spec on YT, but from what I’ve seen… man what a let down. Even the gameplay looks real boring lol.

Oh well, at least mages and warlocks are eating good I guess


I have put in the forums a theory crafted idea of what KotG could look like, but the game is in beta and too far along to change anything to make it more fun or graphicly pleasing. I’m probably going to stick with Chosen over keeper. Most players are now saying to go back to the MoP/WoD Force of Nature style of which I have argued for on the forums since Legion came out in 2016. Resto was able to go back to it in live, but not Boomie. Sad day

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The weirdest part about keeper to me is it feels like the wrath explosion is going to be most of the added damage but the theme is supposed to be pet-ish.

I also agree it’s a huge missed opportunity that we don’t get some kind of indication of dryad or keeper visual.


A new visual for that spec would have been awesome to see!

I heard a cool idea today the trents for this spec actually get changed to visually look like a Guardian of the Forest. So fact so many missed boats is really jarring :frowning: I hope more gets added as TWW gets closer and continues to more updates in future patches.

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