I spent so long this week trying to make a viable build with firestorm and Flameshaper.
Key take aways I’ve noticed:
- specing into Pyre and red magic will be okay for consistent AoE but completely worthless on single bosses.
- Flameshaper’s damage is so underwhelming compared to scalecommander due to allies being able to proc bombardments and the low uptime of being able to cast engulf.
- placing firestorm is a mess…yes you can macro it to cast at your cursor but having to do this every time is obnoxious when it can just be cast on your target.
- to have any viable build for trash and bosses, you have to put some points into disintegrate focused talents…and I am SO BORED OF SPAMMING DISINTEGRATE
long story short:
blizzard, the 20% buff to firestorm did nothing. We need more build variety. LET ME BE A FIRE DRAGON