Keep working on Firestorm and Flameshaper

I spent so long this week trying to make a viable build with firestorm and Flameshaper.

Key take aways I’ve noticed:

  • specing into Pyre and red magic will be okay for consistent AoE but completely worthless on single bosses.
  • Flameshaper’s damage is so underwhelming compared to scalecommander due to allies being able to proc bombardments and the low uptime of being able to cast engulf.
  • placing firestorm is a mess…yes you can macro it to cast at your cursor but having to do this every time is obnoxious when it can just be cast on your target.
  • to have any viable build for trash and bosses, you have to put some points into disintegrate focused talents…and I am SO BORED OF SPAMMING DISINTEGRATE

long story short:
blizzard, the 20% buff to firestorm did nothing. We need more build variety. LET ME BE A FIRE DRAGON

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The problem is the design of firestorm isn’t viable as a talent. It needs to either be a baseline ability or it needs to be deleted for something else that works better.

As the builds stand now, you would have to dump so many single target multipliers into the build path that it would become required in single target as well, which makes for horrible gameplay.

Agree with you 100%.

It sucks because firestorm is a cool looking spell and our only AOE that stays around. It is very not viable right now and it sucks to only have one play style while they keep a cool ability useless.

With the changes to dragonrage and how they made disintegrate target 3 enemies, they just hammered home how useless firestorm is and the class needs a rework imo.