Keep the 120 camera FOV

Sounds like an option that was never meant to be an option.

Exactly, they have a very specific way in which they want us to experience the game, even if we hate it lol


I’ve never ever understood the 90 FoV. Humans have a 135 degree FoV in real life. 135 should be the default.


FoV 120 Screen shots better than 90.
Why I can’t post URL?

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I vote for keep but I also voted and still put in suggestions to have zoom out distance restored to Pre-WoD days :laughing:


Trust levels.

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I had no idea this was put back in the game. It was the single greatest “all melee need this” thing in the game.

And … if I’m not mistaken, it was removed in Legion because of the grappling hook! Getting around that “mini-game” would have been utterly trivial if you were zoomed out juuuusttttt a little bit more to better see where the hooks where.

By removing the “console command” they could strictly dictate what EVERY player could see, and could thus control that “game.”

Of course, that doesn’t address the fact that once you got flying, it doesn’t matter. lol But that’s Blizzard for ya. Especially if you consider if it WASN’T done for the grappling hook, then there was NO REASON AT ALL!!

But I will add my name to the loud chorus of: PLEASE KEEP THIS IN!!!

edit: In fact, I still have a macro for the command going all the way back to Burning Crusade!

/console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6

When a poor Warrior is hanging on to a macro from 16+ years ago… IT’S FUNCTIONALITY THAT I DESPERATELY WANT!!


I think we all did. I remember getting sick because of the distance they tried to force on us at first.


For the same reason going into Legion they decided to nerf the max zoom distance. To hinder players as much as possible so their game looks just that slight bit harder to play or their mechanics look that much harder to deal with. They outright lied to players and pissed them off when they said this change was needed because zoom distance was trivializing fights. Fights ended up playing out literally the same to me more or less since I always played zoomed in on my rogue, I just had really good awareness and constantly checked around because of a different MMO I played where that kind of awareness actually matters.

This isn’t about health or integrity, it’s just about keeping up the ghost that this game is hard and rather than actually making it hard it just becomes harder because of the constant kneecapping of players at varying intervals.


Its not zoom. Its FIELD OF VIEW. sometjing that almost every person in here isnt familiar with it seems.

FoV is your view in your “blinders” if you will or your periferal. It allows you to see more around you. Zooming in and out doesnt change the amount you can actually see in your field. Yes the field gets smaller, but because youve zoomed in.

FoV in this case gives you more perception around your viewscape, its not actually adding any real camera distance. Also, youll notice a fish eye effect at the edges of your screen, and distortion of objects and flooring because its not increasing camera distance, its literally like a filter for your phone camera but instead in your game.


I don’t know what game you’re playing, but when I type in that camera command, the camera literally backs-out about 20 yards, I can QUITE OBVIOUSLY see 10 yards more of the game to the left, and 10 yards more to the right of what I was just looking at … so yeah, it’s adding camera distance.

It’s one of the most dramatically obvious changes you could possibly make to the game, and you’re telling me it doesn’t happen??? That it’s just a “distortion effect.” lol okay.

I’m also in agreement. Keep it at 120. There’s no reason to go back down to 90, other than something Blizzard doesn’t want players actively noticing or seeing in specific instances, which I think is nonsense.

Keep it at 120. People get motion sick the lower the FOV is. Resident Evil Village is a good example of this where people had designed mods within 24 hours on PC so people could play with a higher FOV because the abysmal FOV was making people sick.


Well that makes no sense at all. The same could be said for anything in the game that someone else might not use that other players do.

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Exactly my point, thank you.


Especially if the “unfair advantage of those that know the command” comment could be easily countered by putting it into the interface options.

But the claim was also about how encounters are designed with it in mind (big doubt as otherwise you would throw the bann hammer at weakaura etc and not just a nerf against DBM after HFC). A bigger view won’t suddenly make the average Joe go ultra instinct against the Jailer.

But then again we have bosses on normal that have an heroic mechanic that’s closeish to being a mythic mechanic that flat out oneshots on normal. So even with all these removals of stuff your design still clearly doesn’t work (aside that both Sod and Sepulcher are horribly designed)


I notice for the moment this command still works - spread the word, maybe if more people try it and get vocal about it it’ll help. (or maybe not, but you know, hopes and dreams)

How did you get on the CC if I may ask?

I love your blunt posts and refuse to believe Blizzard willingly gave you that orange text :rofl:

You are the most critical one I’ve seen and it’s an amazing breath of fresh air.

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Yes, give us this back. The reasoning is weak and immaterial anyway.

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Same as everybody else. I applied when it was announced. I also didnt make a secret out of me flaming blizzard if i deem it fit. Kinda hard to make it a secret with god knows how many posts me flaming stuff especially aimed at two people. One of them having left for Riot.

But i will also not flame them for the sake of flaming. If its bad i will complain, if its good i will support. Also i dont generally dont barge into topics that arent relevant to me.

For instance shadowlands has 3 things that i like and will defend. Daddy Denathrius, the music and the Torghast/SoD “Tier” sets. In that order. Nathria in general was also fine as far as the raids are concerned. SoD and Sepulcher are both a giant mess for their respective reasons but i will rank Sepulcher higher given SoD easily manages my top (as in worst) 3 only beaten by CoS and Uldir.

Its not just me that is critical of them. Especially with this camera topic. I will however not name anyone by name for more than obvious reasons and you can take that as you deem fit.

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I’ll miss being a pale green dot as I zoomed all the way out and did things to see big flashy numbers pop up.

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