Keep playing WoW like a good person if you dont want to lose content

the only thing i see that’s kinda punishing for not playing is missing emissary quests, since those are like 4-5 days of world quests in one package, but missing stuff like quests and other systems like the legion artifact stuff seems like normal mmo stuff

I thought you quit. It must be awful for you. To spend all your free time grinding away on a game you hate. How many hours have you wasted away in front of WoW? Do you cry yourself to sleep at night because you’ve missed out on another weekend, slogging through content you can’t stand? Or do you just come to the forums and whine and moan because you think it makes you look cool?

I have, I am simply using the forums so i get something out of the sub that ends Feb 10, meanwhile im playing swtor and enjoying the forum drama and the ridiculous defenses WoW fans will come up to defend a broken grindy and timegated system since they connect their self worth with how many wow rewards they have in wow

Oh so that’s why you’re upset about all these things being removed. Gotcha

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Ah yes, the person who is unable to see blizzard’s blatant psychological manipulation and unethical systems tries to pretend to talk about others xD

Which of course isnt related to you at all, what i said is bad, and you are a good person, it isnt like your actions show something different than you words : )

They said they were designing the “roguelike” Tower of Korghast FFXIV ripoff as a “weekly thing” So you basically had to grind out a chance to do the tower by yourself or with up to 4 other friends, and that was your weekly Tower run.

I wish I could remember exactly when I saw this at Blizzcon but I have a virtual ticket so I’m pretty tempted to go back and rewatch blizzcon now so I can show people how shadowlands is already in development and being tested as a grindfest full of all the new gimmicks you are seeing right now in patch 8.3, which is basically the alpha test for shadowlands

Was planning on moving to the horde and was excited about supporting Sylvanas but guess since they removed it I ll just unsub, no point when they keep removing content

I had planned on doing that content…
…and it’s gone.

Remember, if you want to experience the content you better be playing as much as possible and doing everything while it’s current before blizzard decides to remove it : )

No slacking, back to the mines.