Keep losing track of my cursor

is there a way to turn down the flashiness of spells and effects? or a way to make my cursor more obvious? sometimes it takes me a few seconds to locate it.


Not sure the add on name I’m sure it’s googleable but it adds a tail to your cursor so you can see it.

Ya it’s like these MMOs lately are made by ‎Michael Bay.


There was a CVar to increase the size of the cursor. I think it was:
/console cursorsizepreferred int
int = 0, 1, 2

thanks all

In the mouse settings in your Windows control panel, i turned on the “show location of pointer when i press the CTRL key” box, under pointer options.

There are other things you can do to make your cursor more visible. If you are running windows, there is also a setting for your computer that you can enable that allows you to press a certain key (I believe the default is left control) to make your cursor form a yellow circle around it.

Other than that, I would look at your graphics settings and just turn down the settings that might make your mouse hard to locate.

Might I suggest to you the following addon?

Its highly customizable and helps to draw more attention to your cursor :slight_smile: I know several people who have the same issue of losing their cursor in the chaos of battle that use this addon. I also use to use this addon myself and highly recommend it!


If you have weakauras installed you can use a weakaura to make it more visible and im sure there are other addons that assist with that as well

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Might give it a try tbh. It’s not an issue like 95% of the time, but in a mess of AoE and nameplates, especially when forcibly zoomed in thanks to tight hallways in places like Waycrest or Tol Dagor, yeah, it gets lost sometimes.

Move your mouse down-left for 1-2 seconds and then flash it up-right again, should go across the center.

Sweet! Now I have a big hand which means I have…


big gloves.


i have pointer trails enabled. it helps, but i use a razer mouse, and many times it seems as if my pointer teleports off to some unexpected part of the screen.

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I have a circle around my curser which is a weak aura I got from wago I recommend it to anyone who is losing track of it like I was.

Nerf demon hunters animations.

Was in a bg with what looked like 5 or more multibox DHS.

As a healer my screen was a difficult mix of flying angry elves.

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thanks again all

This is why they call it a cursor: cuz when you lose track of it, you start cursing.



Once you grab the addon, you can find cursor weakauras here:

I use this one, myself:
Although I need to change the texture or make it larger, haven’t decided which. Some class colors can still get lost on a busy screen.

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