Keep Getting Killed in Stormwind, PvP Disabled

This has happened like 5 or 6 times across the last few days. I’m in the middle of RP with someone, and then bam, I get killed. Like one hit. I never see the person, the guards don’t aggro, just one moment I’m getting my RP on and the next I’m dead.

I’ve checked my PvP settings multiple times because it is like me to enable it randomly when I’m feeling spicy. Nope. Disabled.

Anybody have any idea what’s going on? Is there some secondary PvP feature that has become a thing that I’m not aware of?

I’ll admit I was flattered after it happened twice but now it’s just gotten old.

Did you check your combat logs to see if there was a perpetrator?

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If the lettering in your name is lime green you are pvp enabled. Even if your function is disabled you can still be in warmode. Thats when you click the icon in your talent tree.

You will know because you have a shield with twin swords in your buffs. Also next to your character image is an icon that shows what your ilvl is.

Now since you are a rogue if you have the imposter quest chain for Legion active it makes you a kill target. The Detheroc buff that lets rogues kill anyone in the city is a two way function.

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Aw crap it’s probably the warmode thing. I think I remember clicking it when I was messing around with the new talent trees. Thanks I’ll have to fix that.


No problem. Questing in warmode is great for the experience buff. And some territories the quests are alliance only so you don’t have to worry about being picked off by horde targets. Add it to the chromie timeline buffs and some questing areas are almost deserted making questing easy peasy lemon squeezy.