Keep CATA Classic all original. No Changes

Yeah nah, not gonna happen…

They’re keeping H+, account wide collections, the WoW token and are changing the AH. One can wish but your wishes fall on deaf ears.

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I really like the Collections addition – it’s fun to have pets and mounts available to [low-level] alts without the tedium to farm/grind faction reputations or dungeons for vanity items.

“oh noes a level 22 Troll Mage riding a Talbuk in Hillsbrad omg muh immersion this is literally retail”


it’s not a love letter to players
it’s a cash grab to lazy developers who work at blizz & couldn’t code themselves out of a wet paper bag

we had a mob in pit of saron today following the heals around & every time it would evade bug out


They’re not lazy they just don’t care/don’t really have anyone working on Classic, I’d wager that 99% of the WoW devs are for retail.

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Just going to plant this here then leave:

You do know you can link to other forum posts right no need to use preformatted text.

There is a negative chance that Cata Classic will be a one-for-one replica of the original. All we can hope for is that H+ has affixes that are actually tested properly this time (stunned on top of Glaciate) and certain bosses don’t wind up mathematically impossible in certain situations (lack of interrupts + not geared enough healer = Confessor wipefest).


None of the re-releases have been 1-1, all have had some changes in place, even Vanilla Classic.

Also Confessor is easy, I don’t understand why people say that she’s a group destroyer.

3/10 bait, #NoChanges is so 2019
Gotta do better than this

Even that unsub thing you keep posting has more effort put into it than this


2019, when Classic was a huge success and not overrun by bots, GDKPs and toxic tryhards?

The more changes they’ve made, the worse Classic has become.

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mysts and or legion waiting room hype.

Good luck on that request, we all seen what they done to wrath.

Didnt they straight up say there was going to be changes during blizz con?

LOL yea then it can crash and burn just like it did back in era.

Thus far, all changes are good.

Tol Borad is likely to undergo same change as Wintergrasp → and it needs to happen, otherwise we will not have Tol Borad PvP at all.

Retail Auction house is a fantastic addition. Newer version of it is a straight up improvement over the OG version of AH.

Protocol Dungeons are great for the most part as well, as they keep dungeons relevant, spice them up, as well as function as a fantastic catch-up mechanic for alts.

Collections/Retail Transmog UI is also a huge W for Classic. It’s simply a much better version. If you don’t remember, in OG transmog you had to keep all pieces of gear, completely destroying your void storage and banks.

And I hope Caaclysm gets even more hands on approach for tuning.
Have you seen current Retail balancing? It’s like THE BEST IT HAS EVER BEEN. And I hope to see same happen to Cataclysm.

Game will suck without changes.

You must have not played it. Elitism in Classic 2019/2020 was even higher than it is now.
People got kicked from raid teams for being wrong class/race combos. RMT was also brutal, with some high end items going for over 100,000 gold.

Not all changes are perfect, but most of them are an objective W for the game.
Blizzard been making changes to classic since its’ release.

Flat out No… the current retail format is very difficult to navigate and I hate it.

Thats not happening because the Heroic+ system is going to cata and other changes will just enhance cata.

Arthas was built up to quite nicely.

The elephant in the room is will they change deathwing to not be such a dissapointment?

What’s difficult to navigate?

Cata Classic, #NoChanges… except shaman buffs