When a group of players has engaged Lord Kazzak, any other players interfering in the encounter may be given a warning, regardless of faction , as in the examples below:
A group of Alliance characters has legitimately engaged Lord Kazzak and a level 1 Horde character engages Lord Kazzak as well (Level 1 Horde player receives warning).
A group of Horde characters has legitimately engaged Lord Kazzak and a level 1 Horde character engages Lord Kazzak as well (Level 1 Horde player receives warning).
PVP Ruleset
When a group of players has engaged Lord Kazzak, any same-faction players interfering in the encounter may be given a warning as in the examples below:
A group of Alliance characters has legitimately engaged Lord Kazzak and a level 1 Alliance character engages Lord Kazzak as well (Level 1 Alliance player receives warning).
However, when a group of players has engaged Lord Kazzak, any players of the opposing faction interfering in the encounter are free to do so as a PVP resolution is available to the “victims.”
A group of Alliance characters has legitimately engaged Lord Kazzak and a level 1 Horde character engages Lord Kazzak as well (No warnings given).
Is there reason to believe that it would be changed? PvE servers would have different rules from PvP servers (where a PvP solution is possible). Historically, this must be observed by a Game Master, but I’m unsure of how exactly it would be handled today. For example, if it was on a stream, would that still count as evidence or?
I don’t know how they would enforce this now. which is why I am curious. I can see why they have it in place for Kazzak but I dont know how it would be enforced.
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That’s true. They modified their outdoor raid encounters. I performed a rudimentary search on the support website and was unable to locate any relevant links. I made a post in the Customer Support Forum concerning the topic of outdoor/world raid boss policy to seek clarification. Since it will be a Game Master enforcement issue, I anticipate they will have the most up-to-date information on current policy and anticipations of policy enforcement for classic.
Hopefully that will help and an official, definitive response will be received in a rapid manner.
Edit: Looks like Vrakthris responded to the thread in the Customer Support Forum.
I thought they would have definitively decided on a policy by now, but maybe they don’t want to release their policy concerning this behavior until closer to launch. It could also have been skipped over. Hopefully you receive a rapid response, Burieslock!
I agree with you 100%. They may have a policy and they haven’t officially announced it yet. I was hoping there was a modern policy equivalent that would be readily referenced, but it appears not (or was not mentioned in the response to my post). Maybe Kaivax or another Blizzard poster will respond here tomorrow!
I was trying to locate a post that I read in an archive, but I’ve been unable to find it. Griefing, generally, had to be observed. Apparently it could be challenging to determine if there was actual griefing at the time. Screenshots/video, at the time, were not accepted as evidence. I’ll be curious to see if this behavior will remain the same.
So what you are saying is there is a policy that says I can’t attack your raid group if you are fighting Kazak because I’m not going to engage Kazzak, I’m going to take out your healers and try and wipe you while you are fighting kazzak
The issue with a level 1 attacking him is that Kazzak gets a big buff every time he kills somebody. So if you’re fighting him and I swarm in with level 1’s, including of the same faction, I can make it impossible to kill him, and there’s no PvP resolution.
In practice that would be a huge pain in the butt just to get a level 1 to Kazzak in the first place. But you could still take your level 40 and go naked for almost the same effect.
Kazzak if he kills someone is healed for 70,000 health, if that level one has mark of Kazzak, they can effectively blow up other people of the raid group and cause kazzak to heal for 70,000 * X (depending on how many people died from Mark Damage) making him nigh unkillable.
So I am interested to see if this same policy carries over, or if there is a different plan in place.
Since Kazzak is coming this week, This thread has relevance again, what is the griefing policy for Kazzak. PVP servers have their own griefing rule set for Kazzak in this case I am inquiring about both PVE and PVP, given there were rules back in 2005 I am curious to know what is in place for this now.
World boss spawns were and will be a huge mess and mass slaughter. If horde raid engages Kazzak, Alliance raid will attempt to wipe them, don’t expect any courtesy there
ok i know i’m a few years late to this but they need to fix the fight or do something to stop horde players from intentionally trying to purposely kill alliance players. for the past 2 times this event has been up horde players have done this thing where when they get this curse debuff on them that causes an aoe explosion around them they purposely stand next to any alliance player in the area to get them killed if they are to low to survive the blast. this needs to stop idk why horde players need to sit here and harass alliance players during the anniversary event but I’m getting fed up with the blatant attempts to grief alliance players on this anniversary boss like be more mature and respectful of your fellow players stop trying to get alliance players killed just so you can get a few lol’s out of it.