Karokta (Love rocket level RNG)

First we know are seeing data on wowhead that this is a troll rare with less than 0.1 chance to drop a mount. Once again a horrible decision to tick the player base off in an attempt to increase player engagement. Look at the blowback from the love rocket. How did this decision now making it through the dev meetings?


Yeh I’ve honestly got no idea what they were thinking with this.
The decision to make it so rare is so bad i even wondered if it was an accident instead (ie someone made a whoops and put 0.1% instead of 1% drop chance on the thing.)

The zone will be dead in another couple of months, farming something for thousands of attempts for a mount that really doesnt look that superb (not love rocket or sha levels anyway) just baffles me. Why blizz why???

Edit: I just want to add as well that people reach for the “carrot” when it feels like the carrot is actually within reach.
If it doesn’t then people don’t bother.

I was excited the first week or so farming this, was getting all my alts involved etc. Then when I started reading the wowhead reports (droprate so bad it actually appeared bugged and to be not dropping) that excitement fast faded and i rolled my eyes and gave that rare a hard pass.

Haven’t bothered with it since.


Even the rare is misnamed from the loot table.


That’s so low, I won’t even bother. They need to increase drop rate on things that don’t drop by 1% (additive not multiplicative) each time you fail so eventually you get it within 100 tries. More than that is just crazy.


Very close to cancelling sub for the final time. So many RNG fails right now for me:

Antoran Charhound over 250 attempts
Abyss Worm over 130 attempts
Nightmare Whelpling 75 attempts
Hellfire Infernal 40 attempts
G.M.O.D. 30 attempts
Unstable Portal Emitter 19 attempts (with a rare that itself has a 1% spawn it seems)


I can confirm that the drop rate is lower than the historical open world rare mounts. I’ve killed it every day across multiple characters, typically in 30-40 man raid groups. Never once has it dropped for anyone. The probability of no drop happening becomes lower and lower as time goes by. So the only reasonable conclusion is that it has a lower drop rate.

Now I wouldn’t say it’s pre-buff mop wb level. But I’d estimate it’s somewhere around 0.5%. A typical world rare mount is usually around 1-5%.


Camped today for hours and nothing. Adding the random spawn time is just the insult to the injury of a disgusting RNG drop rate. Hearthed all my alts back as I’m not touching this rare. Another day with zero Vixx spawns too. Not planning to renew my sub as RNG has finally burned me out.


Here’s the other interesting thing about this rare. It is a litmus test for the markedly reduced player population doing open world content. Compare. Back in SL, you could always rely on multiple group listings for mount rares which facilitated shard hopping for everyone farming such a rare after reset. However that no longer seems to be the case and this rare is an indicator of such. It’s definitely much harder now to shard hop or farm certain rares than at any point over the last 3 expansions.

It really does seem that SL was the last straw for many people and we may have reached a tipping point.


Less than 1% and even 1% doesn’t have a place in modern MMOs. That ‘waste my time’ model has to go.
Getting drops and feeling like you are making progress is more ‘addictive’ than the too far to reach carrot on a stick less than 1% drop stuff.
The sooner blizz realise this the better. And for the most part I thought they had moved away from that, DF seemed a good step in the right direction… until this rare and mount :frowning:


Blizzard: “Okay, cool. So we’re gonna time gate the rares now instead but increase their rewards.”

I wish I was joking. Sometimes it really is one step forward and two steps back with these devs. Could this translate to a higher drop rate on this mount? Maybe, but probably not.

And now they’re making the rares only lootable once every 5 days. (If I’m reading it right, Emberdusk and the Crucible Rares will be once a week, the others will be every 5 days, as the zones rotate)

As per the hotfix notes.

I hope you guys enjoy even longer timegates.


so true and im boycotting anything lower then 1%

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All i know iv been doing the love rocket event since it came out and i still dont have it and its 2023

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Is it really that rare? It’s my favorite mount when I’m flying to old dungeons for keys.

It seems to be so. Someone kept track on kills and drops on wowhead and got it to 0.07 % and now its even showing as 0.07 % as a dropchance on wowhead

There are so many old items on ridic low drop/spawn rates that as someone who enjoys being a collector I am about to quit honestly…

They need to implement a account bound currency system where if the rare item doesn’t drop, you can get a shard of it and combine them into the rare item as a bad luck protection. I would even accept like a 50 or 100 piece requirement to get the item… at this point, I have a bunch of stuff with over 100 kills and no items.


This thing drops a mount? I can’t even get it to drop the dragonriding customisation I want. :frowning:

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I guess I should feel lucky I got it within a few kills. That being said, I haven’t been able to get a single pet to drop from any of the rares except the brul one, but that’s almost guaranteed as long as you eat the food before opening the chest. But yeah, these drop rates and rotating rares is some hot garbage design. You’d really think after years of players telling Blizz they don’t like this kind of design that Blizz would relent and stop trying to drive their player base away. Oh well, the death of a thousand cuts seems to be Blizz’s mandate.

If this is the case they will push even more players out of the game. There already isn’t much content there.

This is a bad statement.

So, every mount that someone wants and doesn’t get within the first couple weeks of a patch being out is going to be “the next Love Rocket” now? Please…