Kargath on Discord

Back in its heyday, Kargath had a very vibrant community, including a fairly large userbase on mIRC. Over the years, though, the number of users frequenting the Kargath mIRC channel dropped for a lot of reasons, including people quitting the game, but also mIRC not being a popular tool among the younger WOW audience.

It'd be fun to get Kargath community active once again, but obviously, mIRC isn't the tool of choice any more to accomplish this.

But discord may be!

Discord is a free voice and text chat. It's like mIRC and Ventrilo at once. There is a free mobile app and it also has browser support. Share it with your friends! Let's rebuild Kargath's community back!

Kargath's discord: https://discord.gg/6wDh7dE

PS: Norgannon peoples are welcome too.
It's just like IRC. We even have hangman and trivia!
WTB some alliance people in discord. I can tell you where I'm world PVPing so you can come kill me (*cough* Aero).
It needs more mikerk and hoochy. Guys, we know you're playing!
Mikerk smells funny.
10/19/2016 06:26 PMPosted by Hoochy
Mikerk smells funny.

I need Mikerk to read me the news in the morning lest it doesn't truly feel like IRC.

Please make it happen, Hoochy, please. (whisper: we have hangman.)
This will never not be the top post. Primarily due to the fact that posts in here are so infrequent.
I world PVP'd with some Ethos monk (he started it!). Almost had him killed but a mage flagged and burned me the down.

Join us on discord! Tell your friends! You can totally afk in there if you like~
US election day is tomorrow. To deflect any conversation on that topic, we can discuss what is the proper name for the symbol '#'.

#sharp #octothorpe
Just a reminder that the discord channel is still there!
Are you an old player that has moved on to another game? No matter, you are still welcome to join us and reminisce about the old days, or throw in old guild / player names and make us smile or wince a bit.
Again - feel free to join us on discord if you haven't done so yet. Keeping this thread on top of the pile!


<Dyalad> The Dreamer
Happy holidays to everyone!
If you're bored and can't WoW during those awkward family dinners, join us on discord, there is a phone app for it!
Hey guys!
Haven't had the chance to bump this during the holidays, but I hope it was great to everyone! Don't forget to join us on Discord, and please tell your friends to do so!

Also, we need more alliance people to join us. You guys are supposed to be more numerous than us, and it's like you guys don't exist. Come on!
10/19/2016 06:26 PMPosted by Hoochy
Mikerk smells funny.

Ain't that the truth!
Someone's been downvoting our bumps? Probably because we're not bumping it enough.

So back up it goes!
Been a while ~ We're still there, just missing you!
bump for hoochy
Bump for more activity.

We've been doing a lot with the discord and many more people have joined, including quite a few guild reps!

Everyone is welcome so please feel free to join us