Much love to the Kargath community. My first home in WoW, and many of my fondest gaming memories I can honestly say were because of the people here! <3 Lukie - Millennion
Played on Kargath since launch. Probably most well known on this character as a member of Caustic, but also played a druid named Greenfire. Played early on with Iron Reckoning and Vires Quod Veneratio. Hung out with a lot of members of Fellowship of Azeroth as well. My wife was a druid named Teva though she was not my wife back in Vanilla. Still trying to figure out where the most people we know will be playing so that we can all reroll together in classic.
<— Whattheheal was my priest back then, but Kilzone was my main, hunter! From the guild Thunder Downunder. Reading this thread has thrown me way back! Still play with Rufian from Thunder Downunder as well!
I used to play an Alliance Night Elf Priest named Nolatari and a Human Warlock named Shivala on Kargath.
Sigismund, Human Paladin in the guilds Equilibrium and Fate of Shadows- hope to see some of y’all back in Classic
Lukie You old snake in the grass. Where you been man. Add me on Discord so we get you in the FB chat NBK Al Bundy#8937
I’ve made the decision to start on Pagle server.
No Mankrik here!
I played in Sleepwalkers and suggested the original design for the team crest, an Ouroboros. My son also played, PhoenixPhyre, a Gnome Warlock. His age, IRL was 25. I, IRL, am 66 and still play.
Wife and I are leaning towards Pagle as well. Trying to point other Kargath people in the same direction.
Hey there,
Looking for: County Coroners
Played as: ChubstheEwok
dwarf warrior.
Feel free to add me or reply with your info! Ewokking87#1829
Drantixx Human Warlock
Is A Champion
Searinox, definately coming back for classic was with the guilds shadow ravens grey council and merdian during vanilla.
I mostly played Horde during vanilla, never getting an Alliance toon out of the 30s, but I still recognize your name from back in the day. Familiar names & faces are one of the things I miss the most. Cheers!
Tree! I think I know you! lol It would be interesting is Aria or Coop decided to make a come back.
Former County Coroner here. Played as Geraldo (Pally), Roethe (Rogue), and Yeayea (Mage).
Add me. Ace#1911
I remember you and Crinnandy (think that was how she spelled her name) from Is A Champion
Played on this character: Xalberrious, Holy/Prot pally. I am looking for my old guildmates. Mamaceta, a fury warrior, and anyone else that I played with.
LWW is still alliance guild on retail, but we’re trying out horde in vanilla this time around.
I had a NE Hunter named Moondre (and, later a Paladin, imaginatively named Dremoon). Was in Shadow Ravens and various others. Still playing though my hunter has switched realms, factions, names and races many times over! But Kargath was my first WoW home.
This toon has been around since launch.
Shadow Ravens
Titans of Azeroth