Kara attunement removed, but heroics still require revered, why?

they randomly changed it without telling us and therefor nerfing the content. the fact we had to find out from the bug forum/a reddit mod this was intended is ridiculous. if they’re nerfing kara attun why not heroics?

see how you keep connecting these two unrelated things? who cares if it was intended or not we have all known that as long as u have someone with a key to open the door you don’t need the attune. your obsession with claiming you needed to be told directly by blizzard what everyone already has figured out is weird and makes little sense, until you circle back to the demand to reduce rep requirements for heroics. THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS POST IS SO YOU CAN TRY TO REDUCE HEROIC REP BECAUSE YOU ARE LAZY!


no its not fully the point, i even said in my first post i asked if they would confirm kara attun being removed.

why does what you already know need to be confirmed? unless you are using that as footing for your demanding heroic rep reduced.

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dude, that’s a huge change and not letting people know is super shady, what do you not get about that? blizzard is wasting people time by thinking they need to do all the quests in order to do kara. it would be nice to know its intended.

they said it would be removed. it got removed, how would that not seem intended? if they never mentioned removing the attune, i could see your point, but from the beginning they said they were, and it did get removed. this isnt hard.

and yes, its obvious you are trying to use that as an excuse for lowering the rep requirement for heroic dungeons. that doesnt need to be done.

they said later phase, not next phase. it’s something they should say in patch notes, they said ssc/tk were released why not say kara attun was removed?

nice hindsight there.

Good god, you are the whiny-est whiner who ever whined. You want some cheese with that whine?


That’s how everyone views heroics? heroics are quite a bit harder than karazhan - more so now that karazhan has been nerfed. Heroics are likely harder than gruul and mag now.

releasing new raids, is no where near the same as no longer requiring a quest chain fort older content. not even close. and again, who cares if they said future or next phase. the next phase IS a future phase.

are you one of those kids who has an absolute tantrum when your mom says maybe we will get ice cream later, and says no its too late we cant go?

ya let’s just remove things without telling the players real cool dude

The truth is we don’t know if it was intended or not? The original TBC didn’t see Kara attunement removed until much later. But we also got phase 2 immediately? So it’s all sorta whack…

Heroics however are all tied to rep and they need to be ground. The repetition of doing normal dungeons serves as a training mechanism for heroics. To remove this is bad for the player.

omg they told us they were going to remove something, but didnt specify exactly when they were going to remove something that would make things easier for everyone… THE HORRORS!!!

id say get tf over it man, but i dont think you have the ability. man the forums have been extra silly today it seems.

why would people want people perhaps in greens for heroics? You still won’t get in, later on they add more catchup and nerf heroics.

Are you not revered with everything except sha’tar by the time you hit 70 or something? Rep is a non-issue.

this isnt original tbc. SSC/TK were open day one. this is classic with “some changes”. they said from the beginning the attunement would be dropped in a later phase, a later phase came and everyones able to get in. its been several weeks, if they didnt intend for it, Blizz would have shut it down already. its pretty easy to see this is intended.

OK Karen, sorry but your pitiful attempt to get heroics nerfed to honored piggybacked on a sad claim regarding kara won’t cut it here. Please take your nonsense to reddit.


I’ve been trying to gear my shaman out for fun, and the rep grind is so overwhelming. Not doing the dungeons themselves, but finding groups to do normals with for rep and gear. Alliance lfg is actually dead on my server. Feelsbadman.

lol karen, that’s cringe.

it was more of a question than a request.

the fact they ninja nerfed kara attun without telling us is so silly. I was using heroics as an example of nerfing older content. if they do it cool if not who cares. this is more about them confirming they removed kara attun than getting heroics nerfed to honored, even though in my eyes it doesn’t make sense they didn’t nerf down heroics while doing kara attun.

It’s just logic at that point why do one without doing the other?

I can safely say there’s too many idiots doing heroics anyhow. If it required honored for them we’d end up with tons of non 70s trying to get in to them since you can hit honored through quests and you technically don’t need to be 70 to enter just attuned.