So I ran WinMTR and and a few trace routes and noticed a strange thing after some bad pings/packet loss/disconnects… I am routing through a server in Japan to the Central WoW server (US Central)
WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
(edit: I’ve clipped out all of the .net’s as they were being recognized as hyperlinks)
so as you can see, I have 3 Tokyip bounces, which I’ve confirmed are definitely in Japan.
Any idea why I’d have such a strange path? what the heck can I do??
It is unlikely this is actually in Japan. from Seattle to Tokyo the ping is around 120 one way major node to major node. There and back would add 240+ ms. you averages are to low to actually be going to Japan. Your averages to the server is only 169 ms. To go to japan and back to the US would add 9,562 ,miles to the trip
It can not be going to Japan because of the amount of distance and ping it would add to the winMTR. If it was going to japan the ping jump total would be a lot higher then WINmtr is reporting
Looks like my ISP uses NTT too, im having the same issue and im from South America.
10 162 ms 173 ms 162 ms net []
11 203 ms * 205 ms net []
12 289 ms 288 ms 290 ms net []
13 294 ms 289 ms 289 ms net []
14 306 ms 289 ms 289 ms net []
Looks like a Issue between NTT nodes. It is acting like NTT did not change the initial routing it is routing to Washington state then back to the servers
Alright, so MTR and in game is generally showing me at 170 ping today, but I’ve had disconnects and severe lag on abilities/actions.
Is there anything I can do besides get a new ISP? I don’t even have anything to show them, they can’t do anything with an MTR report that says I’ve got a 170 ping to my destination.
And of course I’m playing right now and its totally fine, no lag, no disconnects, I’m even on my wifi instead of a wired connection… but tonight it will probably run like garbage again, ugh