Kamron; Ele stats question

Yo Kamron, so if you go elemental equilibrium (or kyrian leggo) what partners/comp would you run it w/ and what stats would you prio using them - still haste/vers?

For Kyrian Crit/Versa and for Elemental Equilibrium I still go Haste/Versa. Basically you craft Elemental Equilibrium and Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise. When you play with Fire Mage in 3s you take Skyfury Totem instead of Control of Lava and wear Elemental Equilibrium and in any other comp you wear Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise and Control of Lava.

What’s the point of increasing your damage by 15% and staying haste versa and then running skyfury lol

  1. Globals
  2. Still need to cast - sometimes heals, sometimes hexes
  3. Lavaburst procs to do something between bursts otherwise you’d be pressured so hard you might struggle with goes.
  4. You have enough damage with Haste/Versa that it’s not worth really swapping to Crit imo and farming 2nd set of gear when most comps you play with Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise.

Then don’t go equib if all that matters to you

Why if it works perfectly fine with Mage even if you are Haste/Versa. Going full Crit in this comp is overkill and you might not be able to Ground crucial spells.

So literally go crit vers? Asking because I’m haste/versed out and trying to prep for next season and running totem. Thinking maybe w/ equi + vesper leggos.

The reason I ask is because when I simmed my stats/etc. I’ll be around 25%ish crit and like 4% haste if I went full crit, is that really worth it to random out crit totems/dmg w/ equib in skyfury or nah?

You can do whatever you want, but ele has the highest crit modifier in the game.

You need lasso to tick crit once for it to do numbers similar to it’s old enemy 40% hp coefficient.

If you’re also going to take skyfury and run a legendary that gives you 15% damage amp on one of the hardest critting specs in the game run crit.

Nature spells critting is what makes ele lethal alongside vesper critting

If you wanna just simp for a fire mage you don’t need to run crit sure

in ele/mage the ele doesnt have to be the person 1 tapping the target to be effective.

ele is mostly there to make the mages life as easy as possible. things like stunning the kill target, keeping the healer out off CC, crossing the dps on GOs

Then you don’t need to run equib has nothing to do with what I said.

And this whole ele is just there to make the mages life easier is goofy get a rogue. If you’re playing double caster and the ele isn’t a threat then what’s the point

just cuz ele/mage doesnt rely on ele 1 tapping doesnt mean you arent threatening.

this is getting unnecessarily feisty.

feisty for what? thats all you if anything

If you run the one legendary thats for burst and a damage boost with the highest crit mod then you should reap that.

playing equib jus to give boost what, lava burst dan feels like folly. non crit earth shocks top end at around 8k but but can crit for 25k+

if you’re gonna run an all in leggo than play to it stregnths rather than buff a a 5k nuke for 150 damage.

not being feisty at all, equib serves a purpose to demiate a target inside its 10s window

every 30s you can double earth shock for upwards of 30k, or you can earth shock for 8k instead of 7k and do the same stuff someone running skybreaker could

You can’t really go only Haste because there are no 1 h and shields with Haste. You still have a bit below 10% crit - 7% if I’m right but playing without Haste feels miserable as caster. You need globals to use all Totems fast. Anyway I’m not sure if you are even able to push Crit to very high % value. Anyway you go Equilibrium because it matches Fire Mages damage profile and Equilibrium itself already boosts damage enough to score a kill with Fire Mage if you give him Skyfury.

Need kammy now more than ev

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actually not sure what comp would be best, maybe ele/mage? frost/fire, big goes with skyfury, could be good but I really don’t like 1shot playstyles
I was thinking that kyrian + equil may be bis ( I really hope its not, hate kyrian totem so much)
here are some numbers for you from ptr stat wise

I’m using

4 piece tier set (I’m unsure if there are going to be multiple stat variations at multiple ilevels)
crit/vers dagger/shield/ring/badge
haste/vers wrist/back/neck/ring/feet
equilibrium pants crit/vers
no enchants
overall pvp ilevel is 282

my stats are
Crit 25%
Haste 16%
Mastery 20%
Vers 28%

is this good? I have no idea lol, the main worry is vers being so low and some specs getting even more ridiculous levels of damage
BUT at a baseline and assuming this is bis gear, you have a large amount of crit alongside a decent bit of haste
If vers wasnt so low I’d probably drop the crit/vers ring and pick up that huge haste little vers ring from m+, unsure if its worth

I’m still prob gonna play necro even though the covenant legendary sucks, I’ll need games to tell if the set bonus makes skybreakers unnecessary.
On the dummies with the 4set + Skybreaker I was able to get fire ele to around a 30 second cooldown, could be overkill but arena is gonna be different
Was even thinking to potentially run Windspeakers for extra 20% lavaburst dam after an earthshock, the issue is that the 2pc set bonus is bugged and buffs lavaburst by 5% instead of 20%
You could earthshock, primordial and then shoot out a 40% stronger lavaburst on x number of players

alot of random information you didnt ask for

also I dislike crit as a stat, it’s unreliable.
really glad ele scales with nothing
another thing is earthshock damage scaling is awful, hits for like 7-8k on healthpools of around 75k
meanwhile some male bloodelf ret is going to unbound horsie run mach 10 at you and divine storm your entire family for double that


You are absolutely wrong mate. Necro Legendary is insane if you pair it with set bonuses. Going NF with set bonus is not that good as you need to land Fae Transfusion and it’s overkill. I tested set bonus with Necro and it’s absolutely inasane. Fire Elemental makes your Lavaburst hit 20% harder and generates proc every 8 sec. 4 set makes your Lavaburst increase duration of Fire Elemental by 1,5 sec and if Elemental is off it has chance to lower it’s CD by 10 sec. If you play Skybreaker’s Fiery Demise then Flame Shock ticks can also reduce Fire Elemental CD. Every Promordial Wave gives 8% Haste for every Lavaburst count 2 on main target and 1 on every target on los. With 3 targets I reached 50% Haste. Literally you have procs non stop and permanent Fire Elemental.

Going NF with set might be good in PvE but in PvP might be hard to land.

Necro Ele will have insane unhealable sustain damage. It seems ideal for Ele/Boomy/X and L.S.D. With Kyrian Boomy you will still have very good damage and Burst as Versa is the only way to increase Lavaburst damage besides Int. And with Affli if you hit Primordial Lavabursts your Flame Shock will tick extremely fast not to mention 10-12 k Lavabursts spam.

This is arguably the best covenant lego for Ele in 9.2. Vesper will be good early but as soon as people will Learn how it works and have 3 weak auras alarming about it then it will insta become weak and counterable like WW and Bonedust Brew now.

I read none of this and don’t play shaman but I’m going to agree with Kamron


samesies. he wrote more numbers.

Kamron, thanks for responding. W/ current ele statpoints when I run full critpoints, it shows me at 27% crit unbuffed w/ 38% vers and 5% haste on kleia. I run both leggos w/ boots to full crit it (haste on bracers/ring but I can run heroic sylv ring for full ultimate crit and go higher).

What i’m curious about is if it’s honestly worth it.

I’m also curious about going meatball build next season due our tier set w/ windspeaker or skybreaker because necro can EASILY push haste to stupid high values and more haste means faster procc critting flameshocks and faster flameshocks mean more meatballs w/ ascend.

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yeah I really don’t think crit is worth it

haste is more than likely going to be better in almost every scenario, it isn’t great but its consistent

the issue will probably end up being you get so many procs that you cant spend them all and the procs themselves end up not being that lethal due to scaling sucking

we’ll just have to wait till 9.2 itself lands to see what the meta is and what works best

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