Kalimdor race

Which race did you find it hard to complete?

I have done the bottom 6 so far and Advanced Un Goro Crater was hard for me to complete. But thanks so much to Seinaru for the help

I just squeaked by!


Hmm. Maybe Stonetalon because there were so many trees in some parts.

I found I hate the archway in Winterspring as even when I clear it it acts as if I hit it and slows me down >_<

The Reverse Ungoro and the Reverse… No Advanced Uldum! Was at the Uldum one for an hour!
Feralas’ Advance and Reverse Courses were tough too, kept getting slowed by that friggin’ ROCK!
Easiest has to be the Razorfen One! 38-35 seconds for each course there; Now am I insane or did they revamp that area for the race? I’m not complaining, it looks nice!

Reverse ahnqiraj can be massively frustrating.

yeah that one was annoying, had no idea how I was doing it wrong but I kept getting there a second too late every time.

Felwood was a bit dizzy. I’ve only done Ashenvale and northern ones

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Un’goro is a painful one at times although I was happy that some of the courses were simple. Also seems impossible to fail to get gold on the standard course unless you’re really messing up. Anyone else by chance…see a bunch of old god tentacles in the advanced and reverse Ashenvale track btw?

Not a fan of being flagged for PVP while tryna race.

Thankfully, invis & slowfall helped me out before teleporting to dalaran to wait for the 5min thingamagig to wear off.

:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I ain’t dying on any of my chars dangit


All golds now. Most casual ones I 1shot gold, and some advanced & reverse ones. First, kudos to them for putting them all together. Some great courses, imo. And so many.

Durotar gave me the most trouble. I failed the casual course 5? times. Maybe more. Advanced and Reverse also gave me some grief. The timings were very awkward, and the little hole as well as not having clear visibility of where to go next.

i got un goro first or second try but man durotar, uldum and winter are another level.
waiting for a guide now.

Some of you sound really wanting to punch something because you can’t get a good record because of how hard it is on some courses.