Kalecgos Horde Reconnections

hello man )))

Hey Taizariz I remember you. Kotumaru here.

I ended up rolling on Fairbanks Horde with some classic Kalecgos people. WoW Classic is amazing.

Hey MOFOS!!! Just wanna send some brazilian love to my peeps!

Ahhhhh! Yes Greymist! Holy crap looooong time my rogue buddy! After BN stopped I switched servers to play with some RL friends and like a YEAR of continuing to run BT I ended up getting the main hand and now my demon hunter never takes them off out of spite.

(I have a screen shot of us with our single glaives but the forums are being dumb and not letting me link it to you)

Those were the days though :wink: Do you still play? Hit me up (snacksized#1247). I still play casually, but I’m now a filthy alliance toon - lol



Arg, now I want the band back together again :wink:

ps. It’s Sylent

Yo dude! If you’re looking for a guild in classic hit me up on discord - Cynthalus#4433
We’re on Whitemane

Wow so many familiar names.
Shadyhealer (human priest) sends his <3

OMG Grampz <3
I remember you and your kiting skills clearly.

-Shadyhealer (human priest)

Feroc - Orc Warrior - Not Into Games
Any pvpers or raiders who remember us!
I’m on Bigglesworth.

I remember your name forsure! Most likely would recognize what your corpse looks like in BG’s ^^

I totally remember you my dude, I think I would recognize your voice!

Captain Planet is my bitc*!

Pollution Horde undead rogue - Burning Legion / Werra / Remnants / Unholy Legion

Frappuccino Horde undead priest - Burning Legion / Werra / Remnants / Unholy Legion

BNET Tag- Zorbius15#1711

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Mog here from HHC. I’d transfer if it becomes available. Playing super casual as of now.

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Heya Guys! It’s Euph! I remember healing you Mitan :slight_smile:. Knoto you were a fellow priest? Pretty sure I remember healing raids with you. Man I remember all of them too. Hopefully some more of us can find this thread. Stumbled upon this, so cool to find some fellow TNO. Classic anyone? Missed out on most of the Classic raids so I’m back at it. I’m on Rattlegore - Horde.

Euphuzad - Undead Priest - The Nocturnal Order

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Duras Orc Rogue / Dullahan Holy Paladin - Execution :slight_smile:

cowmoo <3 you made TBC a blast!! not sure if you remember me, Dulahan - holy pally from execution back then :slight_smile:

Karrots / Tauren / Hunter

Looking for any of the Werra clan still out there! Some of my greatest memories playing with you folks. Dio, Wynk, Verlisia, Orochi, Jabberjaw or any other!

Yes, hello, this is Wussah.

Sooo, uh, HAI DER! Its Silth! I still play, as Silth, tho as Evee a paladin atm in Classic servers. I remember you Mitan and I remember that Levi loved your accent lol

This thread brings back some memories.
Nandayo here. UD rogue from WCE / Unearthed. Also, Opportunist the mage. Also-also, Nerfear the warlock.