Kalecgos Horde Reconnections

Kiril / Orc / Shaman / Paragon


I played on a character named Immortalis - undead Warrior

I was the main tank for Remnants for a while, I mostly played during Burning Crusade. I think I remember some of these names.



Myself and some other old school Kalecgos players are going Horde Fairbanks. Super hyped.

Hey man! Yeah, I dueled… like a lot, a lot. Ostrich was my mount haha! If I was not pvping in the world, arena or a BG, I was dueling outside Org.

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Nekekami - Resto Druid Horde High Council

Nekekami here. I intent to play a bit of Classic and was looking for a server to roll on. I was actually trying to find old HHC members to see if they wanted to play together again.

I have also been in contact with Brieze, Veldock, Zetara and Maes. Maes said he did not want to play. Brieze, Veldock, and Zetara are all going to different servers as alliance. I hear Deceiver has no plans to return, but cannot confirm.

Hey What up!
what are your plans for classic? would love to do a casual raid night

only a few people from the internet cafe you still talk to cody?

Thrashgore from Meet in Kargath. Good times.

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I remember his warlock.

Hey chopuinhalf, who were you in vanilla? I haven’t heard from cosy in ages.

South Side Tribe will be rez’d on Fairbanks. Since I am retired I will have a lot more time to make it happen. We will do both Raiding and PVP. Lets get it…

Sup buddy.

Cowsgoomoo, Warrior in MiK all the way till AQ. Some of the most fun I ever had in WoW were on this server. Cool to see so many old names that I remember from back then.

Thedps was a garbage rogue btw.


Oh wow, remember starting boat wars with alliance after raids?

Vashen, undead rogue from Auxilium.

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Omg Mitan!! I remember Scathatch and his ingame fishing obsession. TNO was a lot of fun times. If I remember correctly Kappo was Silths boyfriend. I left when he formed Bloodsworn Raiders. Also remember Monjaru the legendary Troll rogue. Knoto/Knt here.

Oh hai! Sylent (the once undead rogue) here!

I started my raid days in a few guilds that I joined right as they were crumbling (I think HoF?), but primarily was an officer in Bete Noire. Recognize a bunch of names here for sure! I still play as a filthy casual, but I’d probably roll on a classic server for some kicks if others are…

o/ haaaaaaaai Tawnys <3 How the heck are ya? <3 Nyogtha sends his love as well, we just got back from vacation last week.

I still to this day will say out of nowhere “BODY MASSAGE” or “Give him the stick, DON’T GIVE HIM THE STICK”. I remember One tanking Majordomo in the lava, Ziploc climbing all the things, spending far too much time tracking raid attendance and handling DKP, and running BT EVERY BLOODY WEEK FOR YEARS (I swear) to try and get my main hand Warglaive.

I have a bunch of screenshots hiding on a server somewhere, I’ll see if I can dump em in Dropbox or something. G’dang we had some good times :wink:

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how many people remember Chewacca?

Beast mastery hunter ore name Rubyg Undead rogue name dustbunny