Kalecgos Alliance Reconnections

Unsure if you’re the cloak I’m thinking of. Do you remember a Khalida?

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Nieth - Hybrid Durid - Reign
Commonly found dancing on mailbox in IF or Org when not doing that ridiculous PvP Rank 12 or Silithus grind.

Never forget those Aussies: Odyssey, Grovel, Sinshifter ect. That hot NE hunter Sylvannas. All the crew ending names in ee including Sbee and MT Twee. Ganking with BigMike. Telarin, Tritone, Kovert, Tralus, Bene, Rakne, Soj, Craigy, Solitaire, Eleanor, Imabanana, Pinkbean, Stealth, Sullin, Chaplin, Iramet, Korellon. That one rank 12 hunter that was AFK in Alterac Valley 100% of the time?

Fellow druids JonJon, Amarantha, Xbee, Churn, and that one legendary horde flag runner pre RBG… Was Hafu on Kalecgos?

Remember all those guilds, Kali Compton, Invictus, Highlanders, what was that end-game guild that Xfered before AQ40, Validus? Formed a moratorium against Reign before we swapped over to horde on Bonchewer/Crushridge. I stopped playing after BC and Glad grind

Horde guild Inequity was full of some ballers… Where all the horde at?

See ya’ll as alliance on Whitemane!


wow some names i remember
I was Sulin in invictus and hsi feral tank
dont remember much of hsi as i was in burnout mode at the time actually had to look myself up to see what guild I was in but have alot of memoris of pve and great pvp.
Both guilds had some really good players would be happy to play with you all again to either jog my memory or create new ones

With that said players i can remember that havent been listed

Newmember Knive Stike Clarke Leety Zladko


Jesus Christ, its me Kimen i’m a Dh on storm rage now,

Yo it’s ovaltine! going horde on Herod as of now with my guild. add me on discord Rusty_Shackleford#7096

Devastator dwarf warrior… I remember buttcheecks and his buddy mage (forget the name) still remember Overon, Dougal, Thebeef, Hestia…That was the group I jammed with

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Lightheals bloodelf Priest
Guild : [Deities and Demigods]
Server: Kalecgos

Character: Chaplin
Race: Human
Class: Priest
Guild: Invictus (Guild Master)
Bnet: Chaplin#1331 if anyone would like to get in touch.

Looking to play with anyone who remembers playing with me. I currently play primarily on Malygos on the following characters:

Tomás - Dwarf Shaman
Dogbert - Gnome Rogue
Kieryn - Human Warrior
Chaplin - Human Paladin

My priest from Kalecgos is now on Malygos with the name Tommasi

I am currently planning on playing on the Pagle WoW Classic realm


Hello Grip. This is Chaplin, your old GM in Invictus. Good to see you’re still around.

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Leaving out old Silentelf.

Chap why pve?

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I’m willing to play on PvP, but the folks I play with now had chosen that one.

Boslaw: Dwarf Hunter, Rise to Power
Slaw: Human Mage, Rise to Power/Kali Compton
Fonzey: Dwarf Warrior, Rise to Power/Kali Compton

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Ok so after talking with Chaplin we are going Whitemane alliance

Duff and Grip you guys wanna come?
and anyone else of course.
can contact me at Sulin#1722 or Chap at Chaplin#1331


It is funny names kept coming to me after I posted this and I wanted to come back and edit Silentelf in and Kanen the hunter (the master debater). So many good times in Vent and private tells hahaha

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It’s your bro, Holydevil, ret dwarf pally!


I’ll just comment here then. I was lame with my name and went with Clerisa, Human Mage, Mage class lead Conquest. Leader of the dps, destroyer of Moonspear and Sharingans irl friend, that could be a bit much :wink: . But whats up coachable, loffles, moon, shout out to Dar my fellow mage. Rheign I remember your pally, remember cloakndagger

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Malt, Human Paladin of Invictus here

I have some really fond memories from all the guildmates I remember:

Chap and Deux were good guild leaders.
I remember having a really good time with Midknight(Druid) and Poachedegg(Warlock) Hope you guys, and everyone else from Invictus are doing great!

Hey Chaplin, nice to see you again!

I already created my toons on Whitemane as Alliance! I’ll add you guys, would love to play again.

Should probably add my battle tag…Pub#1592.