Guild Name: Ru Shallora Enudoril
Description: Guild idea is 5 years old now. Migrants From Emerald Dream-US. Ru Shallora Enudoril = Anointed Caretakers of the Wild, said by Elune. Very druidic centric with a focus on the reclamation of kaldorei lands, restoring balance to nature and even reacquiring ancient kaldorei artifacts.
Leader: Draena
Who to Contact: Draena, Aydrean, Lyreille, Ayura, and Janalore.
RP/PVP/PVE?: Medium-Heavy RP. We have some diehard PvPers. We do a lot of Mythic+ content.
Preferences: Lore abiding RPers. For other questions and answers, see below linked guild forum post.
Currently Seeking: We accept all kaldorei RPers aside from DKs for IC reasons. We take DHs but do not want to be overrun with them.
Most Active Playtime: Peak hours until late in the evening or early in the morning depending on your timezone.
Forum Post: [NELF A-RP] <Ru Shallora Enudoril>
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