Kaldorei-centric guild (possible WRA transfer)

Hi there from WRA. I’m considering moving at least one of my night elf characters to MG if I can find a good RP home for them. I have two currently (both 112–this hunter and a DH) but I can’t seem to find a fit on WRA.

Here’s what I’m hoping to find:

Med-Heavy RP guild that doesn’t have requirements for raiding or Mythics–I’m just not hardcore into endgame stuff. I do LFR casually, PUG battlegrounds now and then, and random 5-man non-Mythic stuff when the mood strikes.

Kaldorei-centric, or at least with a theme that a Kaldorei would easily fit into. Both of my characters are dirty tree huggers, but have vastly different personalities aside from that. Veramest is serious and solemn, if a bit grumpy, my DH bound a satyr-soul as his demon, so he’s a bit of a snarky trickster from time to time.

Non-military: because I suck at military style RP.

I play evenings (EST time zone) most weekdays and sometimes on weekends if I’m not busy with my spouse and kiddo.

Thanks in advance!

Hello Veramest, and welcome to Moon Guard’s side of the forums!

There are quite a few Kaldorei-centric guilds, but unfortunately I don’t know of any that don’t have military themes in some capacity. Especially so now, with where the Kaldorei have been forced this expansion :cry: My own guild does a mix of military and non-military themed storylines and events, but ultimately we are a Kaldorei militia, so it does remain a big theme; that may be the case for others, too.
So if the non-military requirement is a big one, it might be hard to find a perfect fit. The only guilds I know of that aren’t military in nature are: Modan Co, Storm Glaive and Iscariot Legion, which all I have been told are more adventure themed. I’m certain Modan Co and Storm Glaive are not strictly Kaldorei, though, and I’m unsure of Iscariot Legion.


Kalimdor Enclave is a nonmilitary guild composed of all races/classes focused on the reclamation and restoration of Kalimdor! We hold campaign events every Sunday and Tuesday as well as social gatherings every Saturday, all at 8:30 server. We hope to see you around some time! Welcome to Moon Guard.


Storm Glaive is not exclusively elves, but most of the fleet’s leaders are kaldorei, the flagship is of kaldorei design, and we’re currently operating in Kalimdor for the benefit of the kaldorei. Your character sounds like they would be a fine fit. Our DMed events are a mix of combat and investigation, typically. We generally have 2 DMed events a week and at least one social night. Some of us do PvE and we’d be happy to help if you want to do more there, but it certainly is not a requirement.

Checks us out at The Storm Glaive, [A-RP] or thestormglaive dot com, or send me a message in-game or on Discord godnoble#6577.


Iscariot Legion is not strictly Kaldorei. All races and classes are welcome to join.

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Thanks all for the replies! I’ll be checking some of these guilds out :slight_smile:

My big thing with military-style RP is it intimidates me. I tried once, years ago, and either the guild itself just wasn’t a good fit, or I just really suck at the “yes’sir no’sir” style of RP. I have no RL military experience, so I’ve no idea how to make a character work in a military setting :confused:

Also I really HATE the limits these new forums put on replies -_- holy cow “you have to wait for others to participate before making more replies” <— >:frowning:

Hey Veramest as Auberdine already said, Kalimdor Enclave might be the right fit for you! Come check out our discord for all the details. discord.gg/xFnahk

There is currently no Night Elf-focused guild on MG which does yes-sir-no-sir formation drills and other filler like that, so your options are very open.