Kaheti Hospitality quest bugged

UPDATE: if anyone has this issue , go to the water where everyone is falling/spawning and walk around there , that should trigger the quest turn in thanks to blizz for 1.5 hours of my life ill never get back , so glad i paid $140 to be a beta tester. . ; where to start, im so sick of blizz releasing games with brick bugs , I have done this quest 10 TIMEs! TEN . im so effing angry - everytime i get to the end to the cutscene the game d/cs throws me back to the inn and i fly back to where the turn in is suppose to be , and its not spawned. I paid early access , i pay monthly membership and i get bricked because this is a campaign quest i cant move on. fix your damn game!!!


If you believe you have found a bug please report it, constructively.

I understand it’s frustrating, but, it will help development if you post with more information, and limit the histrionics.


Feedback on this should be in the Quests forum.

How is providing you valid information on how to report the issues so that the right team see it trolling?

This forum here is a player help player forum.

There are no GM’s, developers, community managers or QA here. The forum staff here will not forward your posts to the appropriate team.


This worked thank you