Kael'thas voice actor found innocent in court

Only tangentially related, but it might be interesting for some. None of this has to do with this guy’s case since I know exactly jack about it. I’ve worked in family law for close to 20 years and…

  1. People lie in court all the time. I’d go so far as to say that in family court people lie or omit more often than not

  2. Even if you’re caught lying in court, you don’t get in any sort of trouble. The judge may disregard your testimony, the judge may gripe at you, or the judge may find you in contempt. However, no one gets criminally charged or anything. The worst you might face is paying the other side’s legal fees if you really annoy the judge

  3. I’d wager that 80% of all protective orders are bogus. Pretty much anyone can go get a protective order against anyone based on nothing but allegations written in the petition. Even if everything is later found to be baseless, no one gets in trouble for getting a bogus protective order. In fact, there’s people who make it a habit to get protective orders against anyone who even annoys them lol. That’s why they’re so popular…there’s really not much downside to lying, and there’s plenty of upside.

  4. The people most protected from getting a protective order placed on them are people who need to be armed or have a security clearance when child support is on the line. This would be people like law enforcement, correctional officers, etc. Whereas an attorney might advise their client to get a protective order on someone else, they won’t want to do it if a protective order could jeopardize the other person’s job because they want the other person to make as much money as possible to maximize potential child support.

Guess what I’m trying to say is don’t get married, and don’t get involved with anyone. Much better to be a shut in and play WoW. At least Bobby Kotick won’t try to get you thrown in jail.


h ttp://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/consol_act/cc189994/s365.html up too 3 years in prison. One can go to jail for it.

h ttp://kirra.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/LegIssBus/2003/5.pdf no its not its the actual law

means nothing, a friend of mine was sexually assaulted at a party and the case was dismissed, most cases don’t even make it to court. Doesn’t mean the accused was “innocent” just not guilty in a court of law or it’s dismissed without a verdict.

So far Flynn’s proof is a long winded written “trust me bro” rant. He went to the police and court for an “harassing case on Twitter” and asked an order of protection. Not a defamation case. He didn’t claim to be innocent with the allegations.

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If the case is pending, I don’t think one needs to “claim” to be innocent. The reading suggests the case is also settled in court with evidence from both parties.

False accusations should be punished in the same measure as the crime they accused someone of.

Not casting judgment here on any case, just that maliciously accusing somebody of a truly vile crime should carry the full weight in repercussion swiftly turned against the accuser by the court, without need of legal force applied by the falsely accused. This would make false witness a crime punishable and greatly reduce the number of BS cases freeing the system to handle real cases.

Even worse, something people haven’t mentioned is that fake accusations like that undermine and cast doubt on real victims making their path through the system worse and much more painful.


The amount of people that are likely to notice that he was innocent and affected negatively by Blizzard’s decision, and thus giving Blizzard bad PR, is massively smaller than the amount of people who heard of the situation - but not the result - which would negatively affect Blizzard if they didn’t do anything.

They don’t care about the livelihood of many of the people involved in their work compared to their own profits.

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It’s no wonder that all the talent at Blizzard is heading for the hills and leaving this company to die.


legit they could put the original content back in and literally less than 1% of 1% of 1% would know.

No one cares about Australian law.

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What, Californians working for a company in California aren’t subject to Australian law? Madness.


If a case is dismissed before trial it means the prosecution dropped the case for lack of evidence, lack of cooperation from the witnesses (victim included), or similar. The State has a tremendous advantage when pursuing such charges since they get to set the pace and the evidence before doing anything at all and then can push for a very aggressive trial schedule that can dramatically overrun and overwhelm the defense. If the State dropped the case, it means they didn’t have one and the defense didn’t blink when they tried to bluff with a plea deal.

Civil stalking protection orders don’t come with 1st Amendment restrictions unless you can make a showing that you’re likely to prevail on defamation charges, else the the social media pages wouldn’t have been dropped.

In criminal cases? Perjury should be a sliding scale with the weight of the crime you accused, or at least damn near.

Better yet, the VA is from Ohio and filed in that state! :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe the alleged victim should probably file a complaint in the Maricopa County, Arizona Justice Court alleging violations of Shariah law. Also, file a complaint with the Virginia Employment Commission. Classic pincer movement.


You forgot going before the Texas Railroad Commission, arguing against pooling of mineral interests! YOU FOOL!!

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What happened to Swifty?? I missed that, did he get caught looking at Asmongolds bum?

wahmen lie
'it was a joke guis"

more at 11!


I think it depends on the accusation. Depending on the severity. And just because court finds you innocent doesn’t mean he didn’t do it.

This is the real problem isn’t it? Forget mob psychology and whether or not the accusation is true or false.

When gigantic mega corporations make all their decisions based on whether or not stock price will go up endlessly forever then these companies will have to do more and more absurd things in order to maintain the velocity.

Stock price is always based on hair trigger mass psychology and is always an illogical overreaction. Billion and trillion dollar companies playing to this is definitely not going to end well.

…and the accusations against him have absolutely no proof either, and the person who made them set their account to private, which is always a good sign that they are definitely 100% not lying :upside_down_face:

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This is a defeater to literally every claim, which makes it utterly useless as a statement.

They didn’t just set to private, they nuked the contents as well.

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If the mode of defamation was achieved by filing a false police report… that tends to carry jail time.