So I got an idea, why not have a back transmog with Kael’thas classic green orbs. While we’d have to sacrifice a warm cape we’d at least get that class bloodmage appearance for those who want it.
Yes, sign me up!
I’m still salty they took away my fire mage’s legion weapon’s floating fire balls away.
There have been new models for back items so I suspect it should be easy for a few balls.
If not a cosmetic then use the balls for a new mage outfit-- least it might happen given some of the dragon items have some similar designs to blood elves.
edit: I think the Blood Mage look was used for two sets.
Honestly a part of me wants Kael’thas new outfit, maybe a recolor to fit more with Sin’dorei aesthetic.
They should bring it back as a phoenix flame glyph.
I completely forgot Kael’thas is in Shadowlands. Did he ever interact with Jania?
Don’t know, having completed the Revendreth storyline I haven’t seen him do so.
this used to be a glyph for warlocks i think? it turned their soul shards into floating verdant orbs. they had one that turned them into flame orbs too. then they were all removed for no reason whatsoever
How did they pass on that opportunity?
It might be worse when we consider Kael’thas is damned while Sylvanas was almost forgiven.