K/D ratio and duel W/L ratio(15Sep19)

According to my stats, I’ve gotten 4,508 HK’s in Eastern Kingdoms(which would mean mostly SW, IF) and 3,463 deaths from the opposite faction. Doing the math, that puts me at a 1.3 K/D ratio in open-world.

85 duels won, 156 duels lost, or 0.54 W/L.

I wonder if I should still retire while I’m still winning…

There’s no active Marks that could boast better, and it’s not bad for a solo WPvPer.

Come again?

Total honorable kills 84,424 Total deaths to enemy player’s 6,647. That would be a 13:1 K/D ratio

Duels won 952 Lost 370
3:1 W/L


Omg ur amazing!

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I miss when armory had this information

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Duels won 720 loss 172 4:1

Killing Blows 20075 (not using HKS cause that can get inflated) deaths to enemy players 5046 4:1

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Killing blows 271,056 Deaths 8094 33:1

Duels won 1827 Duels loss 397 4:1 (5:1 if you round it out)

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91,760 honorable kills and 5,061 deaths to other players. (18:1)

86 duels won and one duel lost. (86:1)

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I don’t know how many deaths of that number were taken IN Eastern Kingdoms. It might be a little lower. But yeah, this was all open-world July 2015 to date.

Nice stats! My toon is only a year old soon as I get back home I’ll post it. My belf is afk hovering above darkshire…last time I did that I had a mage floating down and attacking me…


Wut? It’s KB’s that get inflated (by being melee and/or having an execute). You also ignore pretty much all kills participated in by healers with this fail logic.

Total honorable kills 18300 total deaths from opposite faction 2718

Duels won 80
Lost 53

7289 killing blows in eastern kingdom


You get hks from just being in range from a fight you didnt participate in. Kbs mean you were directly in the fight.

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They mean you got the last hit. Which is an asinine metric considering that some classes and specs have abilities that disproportionately assist them in doing so and that anyone who heals is at a severe disadvantage, as well.

You’re on fire today.

Still doesn’t change the fact you can afk hks.

HKs that come from BGs are meaningless for bragging rights. Especially epic BGs.

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What do you suggest?

how you guys getting this info? and how you guys having this massive amount of Honor Kill? Is the HK number you guys carrying from multiple expac?

i joined in this expac so no idea about those.

you can look this up by opening up achievement tab and look at the bottom you will see statistics. Then you can look in the different sections

I think I have the achievement for 25k but that’s account-wide. I got tired of the BG grind early because in Vindication, we lost so many times unless it was AV weekend(TBC). I was a carebear, ironically, but I stopped being a carebear when my back got Swiss-cheesed up from guild politics. Totally off-topic tangent.

I figured I share this info because I’m thinking about retiring after S3. I think three expansions of hunters not being competitive overall is enough for me. Who knows? In 9.X, hunters might actually be legit gud and you’d see them everywhere. But I would beat my breast and say, “I played Hunter, MM, when IT WAS HARD,” when every Tom, Dick, Harry and their grandmothers have a geared MM.

On the record, I’m not asking for a RangeCraft, because it’d be Sniper Alley in the cities. I’m not sure Blizzard wants Stormwind to be Sarajevo 1992, despite that there was already…“ethnic cleansing” of a long-eared persuasion going on this expansion. That’s not the vision I actually want, despite that I want to see all melee nerfed in a mutual dps uptime compromise.

@Immersion There’s a statistics tab in your Achievements page in-game. I took the HK’s I got in Eastern Kingdoms and divided it by the estimated number of deaths by opposite faction.