Justice/Valor Points going into Firelands

Historically, going into a new phase, banked Valor Points have either been converted to Justice Points(or gold), and Justice Points to gold. One would assume that this will be the case now as well, but a clarification is ofc appreciated. Unless this has already been mentioned somewhere…

Surely this will be the case… I can’t imagine them already double messing up to people that traded VP into conquest…

Have we seen official confirmation or is everyone just guessing/speculating based on what happened during Retail or past Valor phases ?

The use of other token classes, the Defiler’s Scourge Stone, demonstrates the Developers willingness to boost the speed at which players gear their toons. However, we have seen full resets. So, beyond speculation we still haven’t seen hard confirmation on the Developer’s plan for players to maintain existing Valor pool or reset for Firelands.

This has become a frequent question in world chat and something I believe many would be interested in having hard confirmation on.

Yep. This is the reason as to why I made this topic. My comment in the OP is based off of how it was in the past, when we had this as part of the retail experience.

I would love a confirmation of how they intend to handle JP/VP, going into the next phase. If it’s worth banking a lot of points to speed up early progress, due to a shorter phase, or if you’re better off just spending w/e you get before the new phase, since it will be reset anyway.

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