After completing all previous stages, including asking them to shoot open the gates to get to Hellscream, Durotan is stuck on his dialogue from before opening the last gate. Reloading UI doesn’t work. Restarting quest and completing all stages and killing every mob doesn’t work. If I aggro Hellscream, Durotan will fight if I drag Hellscream to him, but it bugs partway through the fight and Hellscream becomes untargetable. He also no longer does damage to me or Durotan, but Durotan gets stuck bent over and spewing blood while stunned in place. Durotan’s wolf is also stunned. Leaving the area respawns Hellscream at full health but Durotan is not there when I return. Impossible to complete.
There was also an issue during the Durn the Hungerer stage, but dragging Durn to Durotan did work to complete the stage.
I’m experiencing the same thing. Garrosh Hellscream is not targetable anymore and just repeats his actions over and over again without inflicting any damage. If I leave the area, he disappears along with Vindicator Yrel and Rangari D’kaan. I tried abandoning the quest and re-accepting it but the same thing happens.
Ditto. Reboot, no mods, leave zone and return, you name it and I have likely tried it but nothing is working. He will just attack me till I leave the area or quit out of the game. This is the last storyline quest I need to complete before moving to the last zone so I am a bit annoyed.
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I’m having this issue as well. I drop Garrosh down to 1hp then eventually I can no longer target him and he attacks me forever dealing 0 damage.
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I completed all the other quests in Nagrand and decided to give this one another try. This time it worked. I noticed subtle differences in the chain of events that gave me hope that the outcome would be different. It was, I saw the cut scene and the quest completed so I earned the Nagrandeur and Loremaster of Draenor achievements.
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I am experiencing this exact problem. How are we supposed to unlock flying in Draenor like this? Here’s a 2 week old video demonstrating the problem:
This is a game-breaking issue
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I totally forgot this is necessary for getting Draenor flight. Thanks for pointing that out.
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I had the same issue. After Gorrosh became un-targetable I left the area (I did not abandon the quest) shut down the client and deleted the files named: Cache, Interface, Logs, UTILS and WTF. Relaunched the client and went back to the area of the quest. Even though I was at the final stage I had to complete everything again. This time when you ran the gauntlet my factions soldiers were fighting the mobs along the way. Also If you make it to Gorrosh and there is not a small monologue before the fight it glitched out again. Hope this helps.
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Repeating what Turdek commented - I was able to complete the quest today (I had NOT dropped it) simply by returning to the start point and going through the stages again. This time there were more horde soldiers, notably wolf riders fighting Hellscream’s wolf riders and arcanists that came in and blasted fire into the wolf caves during the 4th stage (pretty sure it was 4th). I had not seen them previously. And this time Durotan and Hellscream spoke to each other before combat was started.
So for anyone having this problem, you’ll at least know you can (probably) expect completion if you see those differences.
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Same issue no matter how many times deleting files are restarting quest. What is the fix Blizzard?
After submitting a ticket it actually worked fine even though the support ticket indicated that they set it as completed. I did try it before reading ticket and it was after server maintenance.
Update: ticket response:
"Dear ???
Issue ID: #66361870
Your ticket has received the following response:
Hey ??? Lormiele dropping by today, hope you’re doing well out there. See there’s some troubles trying to get And Justice for Thrall completed at the moment.
Taking a look into the matter, looks like this is something the developers and QA know about and are getting some eyes on to fix up. Since its an old quest and not really much of anything really to do, I’ve got it marked as completed for Runbak. Should be set to just turn it in now. d-(^.~)z If you’ve missed the cinematic or want to see how it plays out, there’s some videos on the quest here ( for the Horde.
Apologies for the troubles; I hope the rest of the week’s questing goes on without a hitch. Take care and have a good one in the meantime out there! (“(^.^) /wave”
Click here to review and resolve your ticket. If you continue to experience issues, you can respond to your ticket with additional information.
If you do not resolve the ticket or provide an additional response within one week, we will resolve the ticket automatically and you’ll receive a final update via email.
Blizzard Support
Was also able to complete the quest today thanks to following Turdek’s advice.
@Turdek: Thank you!
I am having this issue as well. is there any work around or ETA???