Justice for Survival Hunters

to make a long story short, sv tree is bloated with nodes that take 3 points to activate to get what other specs will only need to spend 1 point on. it also has the most nodes that are just % stat increases compared to all other currently revealed specs. this means that there will be less choice and flexibility for sv compared to other specs.

for a more in-depth overlook, i suggest reading this post by corbyn that outlines the issues plaguing the sv talent tree as it stands now. also one by cudgel


SV spec is like Enh. You know it’s there. But you’re not sure why.


personally i love the enh rework. it was a hot load of dump in bfa and sv is basically in the same spot enh was back then. the spec is just a broken husk without its talents, whereas talents should really be there to enhance the spec, and not mandatory for it to properly function.

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Survival needs a talent like this:

Mark of the Headhunter
Turns all of your melee abilities into ranged abilities where you throw your spear.

Basically a ranged option using the same kit and weapon as melee survival. Plus, the ability to RP a headhunter.

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I clicked on thread expecting to see demands for massive nerfs, which is what true justice would be for the abomination of an overpowered spec that Survival currently is


show us on the doll where the mean scary survival hunter hurt you

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*rips doll apart and scatters pieces everywhere


so what you’re telling me is that you’re just mad that your spec is being outperformed by another one

diagnosis: skill issue


um on the on the dps meters where they hurt everyone duh, what type of question is what

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riiiiiiiight yeah 46% of melee dps invites go to Survival Hunters because every other spec has a skill issue, ok guy


So, someone picked a SV hunter over you and now your poor ego is bruised. Not the player’s fault that Blizzard wanted to give Survival a moment in the spotlight.


…that’s not fair. Enhance is there for when warriors or DHs are good.

Everyone picked SV hunters over everyone else who wasn’t a Destro Lock. I dunno why you people seem to think I’m the only person that realizes Surv is OP

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people who minmax will generally go all in on it since there’s such a low time investment for characters. it was the same in cn when everybody suddenly started playing ww. does the fact that most people prefer ne/orc/troll for pvp for their racials also bother you?

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Unfortunately something like that would literally make taking any other talent the wrong way to play the spec.
Range is one of the strongest stats available in game.

This made me chortle. I know this is a PVE thread but anyone who does low level BG’s knows that survival hunters will kill you inside the 3 second harpoon root. Which then resets on a killing blow.

Also survival hunter is one of the best dps for 2v2 arena.

I hate being the one to bring negative opines but Survival is only popular now because its uber overtuned.

Blizz knows that they can get away with scrimping on certain specs and even classes: Enhancement, Arcane Mage, Survival Hunter, DK all have and will get the short end of the stick. Its just Blizz knowing what is the least amount of work they can get away with doing while still keeping the game as a marketable cash cow.

Personally, as more wasted thoughtful feedback. Id like to see Survival given a way to go back being ranged again. Lock and Load, Black Arrow, Explosive Shot, Exotic Munitions, Trap Mastery could all be right side of tree while the melee is condensed into the other side.

Id like to see Unholy DK redone and given proper time to percolate with some fresh ideas. Blood could use more polish its “passable” but passable personally feels kinda bad when its my main.

Theres so much Blizz could do but we’re wasting our breath they only listen when its a communal uproar and then its still a game of corrupt a wish.


This basically boils down to two things for a lot of people. Either …

  1. They want the OP spec to only be the one they play, or …
  2. They think that if all specs were equal, surely their superior skill and talent would take them to the top of the charts, and the only reason Spec X is on top is because Blizzard hates whatever spec the complainer plays.

Every spec has or will eventually rotate through the top spot on comparative damage meters. It has to be that way or else there’s no point to playing anything but the ones that are always on top. This isn’t laziness on Blizzard’s part; it’s the actual design of the game and the very definition of “working as intended.” If there’s a problem here, it’s that Blizzard has made it too easy to switch and gear up new toons in other classes, rather than everyone being required to take their turn both on top and on the bottom. But that’s alt play in 2022, and I don’t really have a problem with it.

I don’t think Survival is ever going to be ranged again. That ship has sailed, for better or worse. I actually applaud Blizzard for trying to come up with a true midrange DPS, which is something people frequently ask for in the “what class do you want to see next” threads. Both Survival and Enhance (and occasionally, Ret) have pushed into this territory at times and I think Survival could be the one to get there with a few more tweaks.

Are you talking about on live, or in Dragonflight? Blood DK is amazing right now, especially in M+. I had one in a group tonight put up something like 20k HPS (not DPS, HPS) for a decently extended period of time. That kind of potential is ridiculously good. If you’re complaining about what the spec looks like in Dragonflight from viewing the talent calculators, let it play out. We don’t even know what most of the classes are going to look like for theorycrafting, much less how they’ll actually play.

Agree completely. The pathing on the tree is atrocious. Too much % increase bloat as well. Blizz needs to go back to the drawing board on this one.

But instead it turns out people are having a more mature discussion involving spec desig instead of crying about current tuning. I’m sure someone will be nice enough to hand you a tissue in your way out

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