Justice for lordaeron

We had many whinge topics about raging nightelf Fans talking about Teldrassil. Today i want to talk on behalf of the forsaken community and lament about the loss of undercity and Tirisfal. Unlike the nightelf story, the forsaken didn’t get closure with their loss and no scenario where they could retake their homeland like the night elves did with darkshore. What i demand from Blizzard is equal treatment. Get the forsaken out of Orgrimmar and back to lordaeron. Prefarably Tirisfal. Give the forsaken back their self respect. And their culture. Even more important a story without Calia involvement.

Why should Blizzard do anything for someone that “demands” them?

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The equivalent of Darkshore is Silverpine Forest which they never lost in the first place! Teldrassil is more comparable to the entire zone of Tirisfal, you know the actual starting zone of the night elves! And I don’t see them getting back anytime soon.


Oh no we can see you now.

please stop spamming. Even when i agree with your opinions it seems as if you are just spamming for attention as well as phrasing them to aggresively for them to be taken seriously, just take a chill pill, stay off the forums for a day, and relax, for christmas okay?


It’s probably a biological reaction to the planetary conjuction. :ringer_planet:



Your posts just aren’t funny anymore now that you have an actual avatar.

You’ll get nothing and like it, you mouthbreather. Blizzard has no obligation to do anything you demand, and they’d be absolute fools to. Pretty much nobody on either side of the fence agrees with you, and after your constant pissing and moaning about the same garbage over and over, I can only imagine you’ve made things WORSE for your playerbase in the long run.

But given the absolutely moronic way you’re going about this nonstop spam, I can’t imagine you’ll be around on these forums for long. Just like the EU forums did, it’s only a matter of time before the NA forums toss you back in the trash where you belong.

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More like he’s low in mana dust


Even though I think Erevien is still slighly less annoying than the usual LARPS Nelves from here

But you want to do that every day.

I liked it better when you didn’t have an avatar portrait.


someday we’ll go back and raid the thing under it

We already know what is under there. An old god minion we trapped in Tyr’s tomb. mental note compile a list of potential raid bosses we still need to kill

Not any more. Priests ate all that was left of it with Xal’atath.

I’m actually talking about this guy(I assume he is an Old God minion, although maybe he more of a void minion)

I’ll admit, I completely forgot him. Doesn’t he just sort of… Leave? Is he trapped down there?

Again, don’t really remember, so he might be trapped.

We trap him, we presumably collapse the cavern under him. This should mean canonically the wielder of the Silver Hand/the Highlord is the last one to leave the tomb, every other class got their weapon before it.