Justice and Valor quartermaster DISAPEAR!

I cant access the Justice and Valor quartermaster in Orgimmar. Whenever I approach the vendors they phase out. If i walk back and halfway across the bridge attached to the platform they are on, they reappear, I can target them from a distance.

is this a bug?

I’m able to get to them without issue. Do you have anything waiting on you in the area? It could be dropping you into a separate phase for a quest.

I experience this on the wall in pandaria and found out if I turn
in such a way then they reappear. I suspect my old video drivers

I dropped all my quests except timewalk, not sure.

Try turning warmode on or off? Might be a phasing issue like they had with mother when corruptions were added to her

I tried that too, its so weird, none of my other toons do it.

I have had that happen w/ the vendors on the wall in pandaria but not with the ones in Orgrimmar. Of course next time I log in I will have a problem.

blizz doesn’t want you using valor points. it’s not RNG


Here is a screen record of it

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I’m very unfamiliar with everything horde related but at any point in time were you in the process of unlocking a horde allied race and never completed the quest or something with the war campaign?

Not that I can remember. This shaman was the first toon I leveled in BFA. Ill go back through all my alts and see, I have nine 120’s all together so hopefully I can maybe find something.

log out and then back in?

Its been doing this for a while now, but just on this toon. Im only trying to access the vendors for xmog. So I blew it off as a bug a while back. Now its really bugging me.

Grab the quest underneath inside grommash hold “A way out” that worked for me.