Just Why Blizzard?

Why is there no cosmetic eyepatch in the expansion with pirates?


OP raises a good question.


Because lack of creativity.

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Very well done!

Simply a lack of a grasp on the obvious.

Hey, hadn’t occurred to me - Blizz, would be cool if you added eyepatches. I’ve wanted a blue eyepatch for a while.

Also, afaik Plate and Cloth eyepatches are limited to the TBC rare drop that’s technically a colored glass monocle, not an eyepatch. Mail has 1 eyepatch I think (one of the gold colored ones with a skully) More options would be cool.

What do you mean no eye patch

Look at you one eyed Willys and Bettys rubbing it in…

You’re all so beautiful.


there are eyepatches in the game, but as they are an armor type and not considered cosmetic, not all classes have one available. moving them to cosmetic would be nice… along with some of the old goggles that are cloth.

The only plate one I know of is pink and a hard drop to obtain…

It was expensive.

Eh that’s an engineering knockoff though. I’d like the glorious classic patch.

We also could use an option to get a gold tooth or a gold tusk. :pirate_flag: yarrr! :grin:

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This is a good idea. Much more preferable than the tricorne hats, imo.


This person gets me.


…and hand hooks…and peg legs…and a blunderbuss to stick in our belts.

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They overkilled the tricorne hats imo.

This is the first valid inquiry I’ve read this entire week. Give us pirate patches!

I’d actually like to see some eye scarring customization.

That way we can choose a cool scar to go along with our eyepatch.

Gives our character a whole badass backstory.

This. So much this.

I just can’t get my head around (or in…bad pun) that graphic.