Just told my s/o I play wow

I think common interests are a lot more important than that comment implies. Being able to be an individual in a relationship is a good thing, but 2 ships passing in the night will eventually drift apart.

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My s/o plays games, but not PC games. She is 100% mobile like candy crush, words with friends, etc.

She makes fun of my “ghost and goblins” games because for her games are fun only if they come in puzzles or emulated board games.

So many people play on phones and I just cannot stand the interface nor the style. Our conflict is that she can be more “social” wheras mine with its raid concept is isolating and for hours at a time.

I thought this was a no brainer. /shrug Who knew.

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How do ppl not know this??? lol Unless you’re not in the states and don’t have a full understanding of our screwed up English language, then I retract my shock
but otherwise, it’s kinda Language Arts/English 101.

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Binge watching Netflix is more disgusting than wow


Imagine choosing to be with someone that accuses you of cheating on them, but you were just playing a video game that you love, just to have them treat you like you have an addiction problem.


Glad to hear it worked out. But if you feel you have to hide hobbies/passions from your SO, there’s some serious communication issues to be worked out.

My wife and I are both avid gamers, and both play WoW. Our play styles are incredibly different, but each understands the passion and enjoyment behind gaming, and also can understand the difference between play time and responsibilities.

As long as you are taking care of the things you need to do for the rest of your life, there’s nothing wrong with playing and enjoying the game as well. But everything in moderation.

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Were you that afraid of what your SO would think of you playing? I have been married for 10 years now, and WoW came into my life before my wife did. She knew the whole time. Does she “get” WoW? Not at all. She is more into the Real Housewives, which I don’t “get.” We just enjoy that we have hobbies that the other doesn’t bother with, everyone needs some alone time.


A couple of questions to satisfy my curiosity,

How old are you and your SO?
How long have you kept this secret from him/her?
With the game in the state it is, how could you possibly spend more time here than with them?



9, 10

i am not sure why your significant other would care what video games you play. unless they said early on, boy i hate WOW players, i am not sure why you thought they would care.

The real question here is, have you told WoW you are cheating on it with a real person?


I wonder if she’s got any Mountain Dew in her fridge?

Well that can depend on how good the voice chats can be really.

I rolled with some interesting crews in eve. Like on e time in a new Corp they threw me to the wolves to be hazed I guess by one Coorp in voice on a Small op. See how the new guy deals with the fun Corp thing.

They were a very progressive and open to alternate lifestyle Corp. they also liked to mess with straight people in chat. Playful banter stuff.

Wife walked in on that session. Fun times.

I started playing when my wife did her masters and I needed something to do in the evenings, so I started playing wow

She rolls her eyes at me but I’m still playing casually lol

I was a closet wow player as well and got caught when the s/o came into the apartment and my potato pc decided to fart out and lockup with her seeing me playing “a game.” After explaining to her what wow is and let her see me kill a thing or two, she wanted to make a character. My embarrassed self started having this weird feeling like this can’t be happening.

I had to leave for work and when I came back she had wow(cataclysm) downloading on her pc while reading a beginner’s guide she found online. The next month I finally scrounged up enough money to buy a ring and married her.

Looking back it’s silly to hide something you enjoy from people you want to share your life with. Why can’t they enjoy that something with you? I have watched friends go through failed relationships over and over for hiding parts of them from their s/o to only collapse the relationship down the line.

Go buy her a pc, install wow, and make her sit and play.


I’m actually from Australia :australia:

That usage of those words has been pretty widespread across the spectrum of the English language for a good while now :woman_shrugging:

i tried twice to get my wife to play. she had no interest. you are very lucky to find someone that shares your interests.


I’m thinking there may be issue of perceived neglect. If so, it’s probably a matter of needing to spend more time with the s/o, within reason.


That’s why I added

Because in that instance I do understand and can see where the lack of understanding would come from. I was in agreement with you, that’s why I had tagged/quoted you in my thingy.
:woman_shrugging: :confused: