Just to remind you, we haven't had a single satisfying Sylvanas-related plot conclusion yet

And it’s been going on since Legion. We still have no idea what she was doing in Stormheim and at this point I’ve given up thinking that Blizzard even remembers that she was there. Or cares.

See, what actual writers do is they slowly tie up hanging plot threads two or three at a time in neat little twists that slowly lead the reader to the big reveal at the end while keeping enough secrets to surprise them.

What Blizzard does is keep adding loose ends every patch until they all get tangled up in a giant ball and then chunk it at our heads screaming how clever they were the whole time.

There is absolutely no way that we’re going to get a satisfying story conclusion to all of the loose ends of this expac when they haven’t even been working on tying them up at all.


Since WotLK. Where was she in the raid on ICC? She shows up afterward to die off screen and that is all we hear of it. We fight the person she hates more than possibly anyone else in the world, and she hates him harder than anyone else who hates him, and she doesn’t even make an appearance to help us give him the smackdown.

Next we see her she is becoming the hometown Lich Queen that we all know and hate.


You mean other than trying to enslave Eyir so she could have the Val’kyr serve her? The only loose end on that one if what deal she made with Helya for the lantern.


Clearly I’m including that in the general clump of story that is her presence in Stormheim.

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Then I’m confused. Why do you think we don’t know what she was doing? She wanted more val’kyr and tried to enslave Eyir to get them. Genn smashed her lamp and Eyir got away. That’s it. The only thing we don’t know is what bargain she made with Helya but that was the means, not the end.

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And is it unresolved? That’s probably why I brought it up.

Also we weren’t told that’s what she was doig, the players so far have just assumed it.

The only satisfying plot is she biting the dust in the end because she is a old god puppet genocide who wanna be immortal

The only part of it that’s potentially unresolved is her bargain with Helya. However, there’s no reason that they need to tell us every little detail as soon as it happens. Maybe it’s been fulfilled. Maybe Sylvanas stopped caring once the lamp was broken. Maybe starting the war between the factions was part of that deal.

Quest lines are stories from the perspective of our characters, not encyclopedias. Giving us every single little detail when our characters don’t have a need or real justification to know them makes it worse, not better.

That aside, your comment about Stormheim specifically was that we don’t know what she was doing, which we do. If you’re referring to your title, the major part of it was resolved. Whether a resolution is satisfying is entirely a matter of opinion.

What do they call this in law?

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I think the majority of her story will be revealed in 8.2.5.

There are quite a few new music strings that relate to some new bits to the story.
Like “The assault on Stormwind” for example… And the new music scores for various parts of Durotar/ Barrens.

Once they release those bits to be tested in the beta (if at all), I think we may get some answers as to what exactly Sylvanas is doing/ plotting.

There is this bit as well:

Steal Azshara’s ocean magic and claim every drowned soul as her new scourge. Only problem is N’zoth probably foiled that plan taking Azshara with him as he escaped.

My favorite end to one of her stories is when she got shot at the end of silverpine forest

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Satisfying can have various meanings from player to player

That one can kinda be explained by the 3 dungeons (it’s a stretch tho), Forge of Souls, Pits of Saron and Halls of Reflection if I’m not mistaken.

In the last one she gets get butt kicked by Arthas with minimal effort, then decides to run away, reaching a dead end she’s saved by the gunship.

And that’s it, idk if it is explained what happens afterwards.

I wouldn’t have a problem with that, but hey, I’m 1)A DK and 2)Someone who’s doing the loyalist route.

Though I’m pretty sure this whole thing is pointless, I just want to see how far it goes. Hell, even the Eye of N’zoth still has given nothing.