There is an option 3. I’m betting on an option 3. Your Classic toon is your TBC toon, but what you do in TBC with your toon doesn’t transfer back to Classic, but does remain in TBC.
The path they can and should take is the path of consistency. And a TBC or Wrath server serves the same purpose as Classic. Whereas Classic+ does not. That’s trying to rewrite history. It’s incorporating Modern day design philosophy and player philosophy to Classic. That’s about as far away as you can get to the purpose of Classic.
One needs to look no further than the WoW forums to see players don’t have a clue what they want. They obsess over things that don’t matter. They focus on elements of the game like balance, convenience, etc rather than simply the FUN of playing. That’s how the game ended up where it is now. And that’s how ‘Classic+’ will end up. That’s not fatalistic or pessimistic. That’s a straight up fact.
I agree with you that TBC is exponentially more likely, I was just trying to get people on board with the idea that 1.13 and whatever may come after don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
Blizzard can’t develop new content anymore. Just TBC and Wotlk

Even if it was separate from 1.13 as is being suggested here? This is the exact brand of complaining that got retail to where its at to begin with.
What? It’s literally the exact opposite dude lol. He is complaining because he DOESN’T want blizzard to come up with new things. The brand of complaining that ruined the game is people ASKING blizzard for new things. Have you even played WoW before?

That didn’t happen. Subscribers rose steadily until Cataclysm came out.
It actually did happen. Until the end of Wrath, the game was still bringing in new subs at a sufficient pace to replace the people who were quitting. And they did quit by the millions.
No, it is literally the exact same flavor as before, people saying “IF/IF NOT X, Y or Z HAPPENS I QUIT ASAP”
Loud, obnoxious turds dealing in absolutes.
Classic+(new content beyond Naxx at level 60) would be great but only if new servers were opened for it. There always needs to be servers dedicated to just original classic with no changes.

No, it is literally the exact same flavor as before, people saying “IF/IF NOT X, Y or Z HAPPENS I QUIT ASAP”
Yeah but they are literally asking for two opposite things. One wants something to change, the other doesn’t. You can’t just ignore that difference lol.

You’ll either get a continuation, or only “classic.” Not both. It doesn’t make sense to separate them and leave a “museum” to collect dust. Old buildings are demolished.
Oh, you mean like entire continent servers dedicated to content most players on retail left behind over a decade ago? Virtualization is at the point where you likely can have multiple realms on a single physical server even without resorting to things like CRZ or sharding, which simply allow you to “compress” it further.

That’s trying to rewrite history. It’s incorporating Modern day design philosophy and player philosophy to Classic. That’s about as far away as you can get to the purpose of Classic.
YA BUT DOOD THE PRINCIPLEZ OF CLASSIC BRO. Granted there’s like 50 different people who haven’t figured out what that actually means or been able to put anything but vague ideas out to that effect, let alone actually agree on what it means.

Classic+ does not. That’s trying to rewrite history. It’s incorporating Modern day design philosophy and player philosophy to Classic.
I’d argue that this is false.
Classic+ done properly would simply be new content but with the old design and player philosophies kept in-tact.
Now, would it be done properly? Probably not.

One needs to look no further than the WoW forums to see players don’t have a clue what they want. They obsess over things that don’t matter. They focus on elements of the game like balance, convenience, etc rather than simply the FUN of playing.
That much is absolutely true.
Have anything to back this up and correlate it the loss to people not liking changes made in TBC/Wrath/Any given expansion.
Cataclysm was widely regarded as a failure, namely because of its talent changes, so a huge subscriber drop there makes sense.

That’s not even close to the same, there’s a reason content was cut - and it wasn’t because it was so amazing and they ran out of time to put it in, it’s because it didn’t meet the standards.
Uh, actually, that is exactly what happened with a lot of it, and a fair bit of it has since seen use in later Expansion packs, with twists on it to suit those XP’s obviously.
It’s not WHAT they’re asking for…
The idea put forward here is that any changes should be optional and separate from 1.13 and this guys reaction is “IF THAT ONE HAPPENS EFF ALL THIS GARB IM OUT WTF”
You CAN ignore a difference when it doesn’t have a bearing on the point being made.

It’s not WHAT they’re asking for…
Yes it 100% is you dingus lol. WoW was ruined by people asking for dumb changes, not because they were asking for no changes LOL jesus christ dude.

They focus on elements of the game like balance, convenience, etc rather than simply the FUN of playing.
You say this as if balance is somehow completely disconnected from the fun of playing the game, which is quite obviously is not and they are in fact very deeply interconnected, especially for the people who are consistently on the losing end of that balance.
I didn’t say that. I quoted someone else who said that.
Fix your quote!
If someone is going to lose their marbles over something that that only effects them if you choose for it to, it’s not the same.
It would be the same argument if I were to say “IF WE GET TBC INSTEAD OF CLASSIC+ IM GONNA QUIT”
If you can’t spot the difference and see why that is the exact same kind of ridiculousness and bad attitude that got retail into the hot water its in right now, I’m not going to carry on this conversation.

museums regularly touch up and repair their displays
Museums always touch up, preserve, and repair displays. Many works of art on display have been repaired or restored. Even the buildings holding these items get facelifts and new technology upgrades just for the public to view in comfort and safety.