Just stop all bots. Blizz should say no to bots period, stop them all

Just stop all bots. Blizz should say no to bots period, stop them all


I mean… they do ban waves for them. And bots always find creative ways around it.

If you have the gaming degree and know-how to “stop them all” forever, then you might want to apply to every gaming company or be a consultant for all of them, so all games have that knowledge and coding.


then you will have the people thats is on the inside that will leak how to bypass it

If I could use one of my “bait” images at this point, I would. :sunglasses:

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A nice sentiment but not sure how easy it is to just stop em completely n permanently.

Is there an approval process for them? I have two I’d like to get access.

Please be careful with your wording when you make your wish to the genie, because I worry the only sure way to get ahead of the coding arms race and stop all bots from logging in is to shut off the servers.

(but I’d be happy to be proven wrong)

Blame EU for allowing programs to run in Kernel space when Microsoft offered to remove that functionality in favor of a security API. EU said nah, that “maybe” anti-competitive to other security providers. Hence why we even had that Crowdstrike melt down, and why these bots can so easily evade detection.

These are same people who gave us that wonderful accept these cookies popup on every single website.

Easiest way to stop botting is to make everything of value either soulbound or available for purchase from the in-game store.

This would increase the amounts of bots ten-fold.

True. They’d have to remove the token / gold conversion and just make everything purchase able via RMT.

If we’re also removing tokens then I’m on board.

Wow, what a good idea! And you know what? Police should just say to everyone, “No more crime!” It’s not allowed anymore!


Just as likely to stop all murder worldwide.

It’s a nice thought, but realistic? No.

that is quite the proposal.

It’s really not that hard and nothing like your example. Disable the API, create an in game damage meter and disable the combat log. They won’t do this though - cause they can’t create a functional UI and most importantly it would kill all the world 1st raiders and their combat pixel bots.

I say actually go opposite. Stop fighting farming bots and spend the resources on gameplay exploiters and more actual content than the literal half hour once a week Siren Isle is shaping up to be.

When the AH is flooded with mats to where there is no ROI on the bots then they’ll die out, Bonus: The AH barons spending all their time trying to bloat prices to the moon with their feces buyout and relist scheme will lose more and more.

I’m all for the age of single digit gold priced consumables.

Spoken like someone who has never tried to dig through Details to figure out if a trinket’s uptime is worth using or not. Combat log is not some elite hacker world first commander chair tool.

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