Just sayin, if Yamdef didn't roach out Tyler1 woud be alive with a binding


Raid lead says to stay in and finish the boss, Yamdef roaches out instead. Boss and Tyler die at same time. With 1 single more DPS the boss dies before Tyler dies.

Yamato roached on his best friend.

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It wasn’t specifically Yamato, it was everybody, including Tyler.
Bad positioning lead to the AoE blocking the bomb’s path to the corner, lead to the bomb running back into the rest of the raid with everyone else when the AoE started, low health on boss lead to Tyler’s call.
And then you consider Tyler didn’t use Last Stand or Shield Wall while dining on all of that AoE, both of which probably would have saved his life.
I think it was just bad play all around. Which isn’t surprising, not like he’s a seasoned player or guild leader or anything like that, but it is what it is.

He was at 1% when the final aoe went out, he was dead even if he used last stand. Can’t shield wall without a shield equipped, though.
Also he had death wish rolling.

He was at 32%, hit him for 3375 but I’m not sure if that’s accounting for any overkill or not.
Good point about Death Wish, though.

Ah, you’re right. I guess hardcore decides to drop you to 1hp so your soul can vacate your body first.

He had maybe 8400hp buffed. Pika’s vod shows him at 8239 and then down to 6039 unbuffed. Armory shows Tyler has 6225hp, so throw in 2200 since I think they have similar buffs (they at least both have fort, warchief’s blessing, and 15% from tribute). 32% would put him at ~2600, overkilled by 775. Survivable with last stand.

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Which is weird honestly, and makes reviewing the clip hard.
He also had 99 or so Rage in the middle of a GCD with Heroic Strike queued up, then it tanks to 0 when he goes from 32% to 1%.
Probably something to do with communicating to the server that your character bit the big one or something like that.

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what are you guys yappin about?

boss literally died when T1 dies. If Yamato didnt roach out, boss easily dies before the last aoe kills T1.

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Relevant math, game mechanics and hypotheticals about the circumstances surrounding Tonka’s demise.


like 33 of the 40 people roached out

Yamato + any other DPS could have finished it

they had 40m raid, fully buffed, to deal with 16k remaining HP

RIP hardcore streams
every streamer, including ZNN :new: :red_square: , is in full copium mode, desperately trying to justify their moment of cowardness

unwatchable streams, shame in their eyes, rewatching the same clip every 15 minutes and trying to talk themselves out of it so they don’t feel so disappointed in themselves

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Disregard OP because he’s a known forum troll.

I’ve watched it and it really comes down to a bad call. Yes, if everyone stayed in they could have killed the boss before anyone died. However, that call wasn’t made until people had already run out to do the mechanic which is too late. Calls like that need to come beforehand.

There wasn’t really a reason to stay in and ignore the mechanic other than “sub 1% syndrome”. Play patiently and just kill him after his aoe. There’s more than enough time to kill him before he does his big bang.

We dont even need to go further into bad boss positioning and the MT popping death wish.

Tyler1 should have died with that horrible call. he has no one to blame but himself.


Wait? Are we mad at bad players playing badly?

If this upsets you I have bad news for you about this game you are currently in the forums commenting on

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Just sayin, i was right.


I stand by it being a horrible call, but Yamdef getting called out for roaching, there’s definitely some irony going on there.

But the content…