Just saw the troll elephant mask in action

It’s a nose sock.

I’m not a huge fan of most of the heritage armor honestly. To me it’s all kind of basic and boring. Don’t know what the story is with this but at least it’s a bit more interesting.


That’s interesting so, those NPCs were datamined? That headhunter is wearing the Darkspear Heritage legs. Maybe he’s part of the quest line. Even he knew better than to wear the rest of the set :rofl::rofl:


It’s such a shame that such a BAD item messes with an otherwise cool set

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How do you share gif and stuff like this? Everytime I try I get errors or it doesn’t go through.


You have to have Trust Level 3 (TL3) on whatever character you’re trying to post the gif or link the website image on. If you change to an alt character, it may not have said trust level and you have to rebuild it.


Thank you! I’ve been dying to know why I’m not god enough for ages now lol

Apparently when my kids ask me what elephants say I’m gonna have to tell them “Stay away from da voodoo”. In all seriousness though, if the person in charge of making this set fails to do so, is there someone that can talk sense into them or is it still their call to declare this the final product?


I don’t even think the different teams within Blizzard communicate with each other, let alone a way for the playerbase to make our thoughts and concerns heard, at least not really.


Can we have both tho? :pleading_face:

Both actual troll set and the elephant mask? So i can swing my trunk all over the place. Err, Nose.

Nice thing about ensembles is you can pick and choose which pieces to wear.

It’s honestly astounding that terrible mask got through any level of concept approval but given how lackluster Dranei armor is as well I guess they really don’t give a flying eff about heritage armor anymore.

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Wouldnt u say the dreanei armor at least fits thematically?

I wouldn’t.

Trolls armor is bad.
Dreaneis armor is bad.

This was not a w for the art team.


Troll one isn’t bad. The mask might look dumb but we got plenty of alternatives that work with the set. The Draenei one, well, removing the hat won’t fix it.

Both are bad and it makes me worried for the Pandaren set. It definitely feels like they’re rushing these things so they can get it over with.


Whats so bad about it?

I haven’t noticed the armor fitting being worse than usual. Shoulder armor clips into Vulpera cheek tufts, female tauren have shoulder pieces that collide with their heads and, well, lots of races have shoulder armor placement that needs to be adjusted.

…That’s been true since the new models were introduced, though.

(Personally this is one use of AI I am in favor of, as a tool that increases artist output, not one that replaces artists)

Now I’ll never unsee that they look like these mastodon men.

I miss being able to post links. Don’t know why I can’t anymore. Ah well.

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