Who do I talk to about getting the money I just paid within the past 2 months for Dragon Flight to go towards the War Within… ???
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I mean the War Within won’t come out for another year. So you just paid for a year of Dragonflight, no biggie.
Thank you, player Steveirwindy. Please verify your identity by answering the following question.
Do you believe that there is worthiness in heartbreak or do you believe that the avoidance of all negative emotions is the aspiration?
You talk to Enekie. Or alternately, Gentarn. I’m sure one of them will be able to help you.
OP doesn’t even go here.
Also, why would they take away my ability to post videos? I’ve been able to post them for years.
I love the fact Customer Support on the forums continues to be filtered through Roleplaying servers. Blizzard has our number in the fact we RPers actually give a toss about player experience and are the best “Volunteers” for customer service.
I’ll tolerate a lot of Blizzard slander, but this is silly. Whenever someone accidentally gets here, we make it a point to waste as much of their time as possible.
Puts thread on hold.
~Elevator music.~