Just Played New World For An Hour

It’s super rad but it’s sad to think how all encounter design would have to be written along with class design.

Works next in games with less active skills.

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now that’s rare, a fellow eve player, but yeah, i loved that aspect as well, as soon as you log in as a new player you are just as viable as the 10 year vet, that really needs to be the mmo standard in mmos of 2021, if you’re not making all classes, specs viable, your game is obsolete in my opinion, partly why wow is killing itself

The game is a basic upgrade towards ESO and GW2, but I heard in one of their interview. The creator said the only reason why this game is made because they foresaw the downfall of Blizzard 5 years ago. Not sure if that’s an attack on Blizzard or just like us saw what may become of WoW in the near future. I think this is a sign of no longer fearing Blizzard status anymore and a new set of mmorpg games coming in.

I’m only saying this because I feel WoW going to more niche than other popular titles soon. They gotta do amazing in the next expansion or they’re out of the top 5 and becoming a meme. “You still play that game”.

I think Blizzard lost the sense of building a community for their playerbase which is something you’d want to promote your game, but that’s not their focus.


like i keep telling people, no mmo can ever go up against wow until wow kills itself, only then will any company have the balls to challenge wow, now we have 3 mmos coming at wow from all sides, wow won’t give in until they go belly up sadly


I play New Word because I wanna see story and end game. Based on what they offer now it will never be above FF, ESO, or WoW never ever. Reason NW is played now is because streamers need more money and hype the game. Because their opinion is important. God help us with nowadays generation.

As well if NW doesn’t bring more content they will drop fast. Dungeons are bleached out, and whole games is designed around war between factions.
While for pvp players that is ok, remember PVP community will never ever keep MMO alive. In any MMO game pvp is just to have something to do when you have nothing to do.

When all above it it’s summed up, NW is at the moment good game, not great or amazing. It’s good and offers some fresh stuff to do, but that’s it. Don’t hype the game when it’s not worth hyping it at all

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ESO is a major upgrade to WoW at this moment in time. I’ve switch over there i’m having a big blast.

At this moment even SWTOR has better content then WoW. Only reason people still play WoW is cause of Nostalgia and don’t want to give up 17 years of hard work.


It’s not that WoW won’t give in, but most or 95% of their original work aren’t there anymore. Unfortunately even them or most lost sight of Blizzard because of the fame went to their heads. Technically they saw the ship falling when hiring a couple of people that will taint their games in the long run. I am still looking forward for LoL mmorpg though.

That mmorpg could be another goat if cards are played right. Surprising that company that has more profits from Tencent than Blizzard paid off their lawsuit without doing any silly concepts like removing lewd or whatever from their game. They let their skins remain the same.

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isn’t it just a pvp sandbox

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Different games do different things. Class-based and classless games can each totally work well, neither is better than the other. They have different appeals and advantages depending on the game.

New World and WoW just went separate routes. Which is a good thing since it lets each of them be more unique. But WoW is a class centered game and being 2021 doesn’t mean that’s somehow a bad thing now.

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I’ve played new world until level 30. It’s getting to be a bit bland. The crafting is good, but I’m worried about end game.

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Assuming still working there I know they poached CCP hard a few years back.

And they pulled the good eve devs. The ones we liked. the ones who did some really cool stuff.

These devs were missed. the ones left we didn’t wonder if really loyal or were not poached. As issues arose yeah…it wasn’t loyalty lol.

Ive been watching streams of it and it looks super pretty. Combat looks kind of repetitive. Gathering looks slow. Could you imagine the QQ on WoW forums if gathering took as long as in NW. lol

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Every gaming forums will have comparisons threads. Give it up already I mean this is general discussion for a reason talking about WoW and their competition. If moderators and developers didn’t like the concept they would automatically removed the thread or place it somewhere else. You’re just a number like else that plays this game meaning your opinion on where this topic belongs is meaningless.

The thing is WoW still concepts are still stuck in the past compared to their competitors. Every one good move WoW does for their game. The competitors triples it, but the reason why they didn’t get too much recognition is because majority of the playerbase still loved WoW as an old friend. Unfortunately we can’t make excuses for the product nor franchise anymore.

The atmosphere on this once beloved company changed over years to the worst than better. Considering what has been infiltrated into this company I do not see any sort of recovery and the censorship nonsense makes it more difficult to recover. What this mean if nothing good or a miracle happens anytime soon. I don’t see Blizzard lasting up to 2030, but by then majority of us here probably wouldn’t care because we moved on.

This is the company fault by going the greed, censorship and controlling route.

Then it all comes down to do you want your company to survive and any of your products or just become another downfall like Blizzard years later. We’re in a different era now still fighting the same battle, but I don’t think it will be as effective as new mindsets enters into our society.


I logged 124 hrs in the first week. Today was the first day I really went back to my normal schedule. Absolutely loving the game and it does many things better than WoW as New World creates an open world you can immerse yourself in. I have been forcing myself to log off and haven’t had that feeling since the early days of WoW.

I just bought my first house and tonight working getting some gathering some materials to work on furnishing and crafting more chest for extra storage. The profession systems and depth of the game is massive.

Hope the Blizz Devs realize what they are doing wrong. They don’t need time-gating or chores to keep people logged in and waste their time. They just need to make a great game where players want to waste their time enjoying it and stay logged in.

Combat comes alive when ppl have max skill weapons and perks to modify abilities.

When ppl get better tools and have perks it speeds up. Also there are town settlement perks that increase it and a number of other ways. There is alchemy that increases gathering % etc. All the professions synergize with each other perfectly.

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It has more to do that a lot of people have already played those MMOs when they launched and the years after and got bored after 4-6 months.

So of course it looks like there’s a ton of content when you go back and play a game and go through a decade of expansions and content.

WoW just doesn’t make it mandatory to go through their old content to get caught up.

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this is general discussion for WoW not for other games. there’s an off topic forum for talking about other games.

nah, yall give it up already. these threads are all the same, all annoying, and all bland.

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I honestly don’t see WoW making it past 2022. I honestly don’t. Wow has roughly 1 million subscribers left. This continued Woke stuff is going to pull the plug on that and down it goes into the drain. Just wait till they start with transmogs. It’s going to be one heck of a show on the forums.

Blizzards last quarterly earnings was $400 million and most of that comes from WoW.

They’re actually releasing new games next year as well. The first new ones in 6 years.

Can only go up from there.

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You’re telling us to give it up when these threads such as this surface for years? Even the moderators and developers are mocking your type of people at this point. You just haven’t realized it yet. Not my problem nor moderators and developers. This is a “you” problem on not accepting it.

Well you could be right, but I can say around 2023 - 2025. They gotta announce the next expansion. If they can’t pull it off then yes that’s it for WoW being ever relevant as a popular mmorpg choice. It’ll become a mediorce choice along with Bless Unleashed and Archeage. Not a fate I don’t think they truly want, but will be if not change their morals for the better.

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I’d never buy another blizzard game again if WoW dies. If my 17 years worth of investment on Wow isn’t good enough for the Developers to care to save then spending another 17 on another blizzard game is downright foolishness.