"Just makes friends!" .. and the "add friend" feature doesn't even work

This is your answer, you need to have their name and the realm Boogernose-Lightninghoof for example.

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Never make friends! You can’t trust people they’re all in it for themselves! At least the Goblins are honest so maybe you could have a business relationship there I guess.

the ingame friend system has always been wack, its one way btw. someone can add your ingame character and you wouldnt even know it, they could then stalk you with that ingame character.

Can I ask why it matters? I’ve had maybe two people who even made mention of what I’m doing on Battle.net, and one of them I simply removed.

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Bro just set your bnet to invis bro

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I guess they’re not a “friend”…

In the past you could add a character name (as you’d like to do), and permission was not required to accept this link. Creeps would use this to stalk other players when on that particular character.

Rather than fix it so that adding a character-friend requires 2-way consent, Blizzard seems to have simply disabled this so that if you add a friend, that involves sharing a battle-tag (which does require 2-way consent) and have gained a “true” friend that can mutually see each other whenever you or they are “online.” As noted, if you do not want your friends to see you, you can still play the game, but set your status to offline.

This isn’t perfect because I think even in offline mode guild members would likely see a notice in guild chat when you log on/off (I would guess you’re not in a guild, so likely not an issue!).

Generally when I’ve seen the player not found error, it’s because they are on a different server group, the opposite faction, or they are on a different server in the same group but for got to add the -realmname part at the end.

Agreed it sounds like the OP and the other person were on different realms. With everything being cross realm I don’t see why friends can’t be done that way too.

Sorry, I guess?

Btag is how networking is done in modern WoW and all Blizzard Games, no different than logging into Steam and it telling people what you’re playing.

The in-game friends list is an outdated holdover from before WoW was integrated into Battlenet.

If Blizzard ever does an update to it, it’s likely just removing it entirely because BNET covers the same ground.

It’s a bad way to keep in touch with people. Stop worrying so much about people seeing what video game zone you’re in. That’s weird.

Imagine believing anyone actually cares what you do.

You couldn’t “friend” them because they were from a different server. That’s where BTags come in, it’s what BTags are for.

Did you know you can join a guild on a different server now? Or the opposite faction?

It’s the way to truly find good people to run with. What if your “friend” was running an alt but rarely plays it? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to contact them regardless of which character they’re playing? BTags are great! But you do you guy, paranoia will destroy ya.