Imagine encouraging players to play the game instead of afk’ing with a WA.
This is true!
Why exactly does that matter? Did they say they’re trying to replace boosting?
buy a new account?
$15/ extra a month adds up.
And what are you really getting out of it? (Not saying 2 accounts is bad, just buying accounts for the free boost kind of is)
100% would be way too much. Quest exp only MAYBE, but all exp? People would outlevel entire zones before they are half done. 50% is already hefty, leave it at that. Leveling already becomes a joke in wrath anyway.

People would outlevel entire zones before they are half done.
Thats great. Then they can do those zones for their first alt instead of whatever they did the first time around.
It isn’t. It scuffs the leveling experience if people outlevel zones before they can finish the story. 50% is fine, you do a lot of zone hopping 25-60 and people could actually go a couple levels before they have to run across the continent, but 100% would be way too much.
If you want to experience the zone to it’s fullest there is nothing stopping you from questing after you outlevel it. As for me… I’ve done it dozens of times already and I want to hit max as quickly as I possibly can.
If im getting negligible exp because the quests are green/grey, on top of becoming laughably boring because you destroy everything in sight instantly when you outlevel it, I’m going to move on to the next zone. Exp rates being so high you outlevel zones is bad design, and especially terrible for new players.
My cousin played on a TBC private server a long time ago.
They had the xp rate at 100x so he thought that you leveled by mainly visiting undiscovered areas of the maps. Since he was getting 1/8 of a level for each one…
At that point they may as well have just given them instant 70’s.

If you want to experience the zone to it’s fullest there is nothing stopping you from questing after you outlevel it. As for me… I’ve done it dozens of times already and I want to hit max as quickly as I possibly can.
You had years to experience the “zone” you could even do it on SoM.
This argument is mute just do 100% and stop being so stingy
I would be completely OK with that yeah that’s what 50% do 100% I would be more than OK with that if the goal is to help people level alts I say that yep gives that 100% blizzard do it.
100% seems right. I do like the idea that it scales up more depending on how many max characters you have too
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